If your sheets are listed in cells of a table, not in a text box, with scripting you can select the cell that has the table name then use a keyboard shortcut to invoke the script that takes you to that table. It is not a single "click and go" but it's the closest I can think of.
The script below requires the selected cell to have a sheet and table name in it, as text (such as Sheet 1::Table 1). It also lets you specify a specific cell (such as Sheet 1::Table 1::B1) if you want to go that far. It jumps to cell A1 if none is specified. It is best if it jumps to a cell that is blank or has text in it. You cannot jump to a cell that has a formula in it, it will overwrite the formula with its current value. That problem can be fixed I think. It could also be modified so it requires only the table name and jumps to tables only on the current sheet.
You can try it out by starting up the Script Editor app and pasting this into a new window. Click on a cell in your Numbers document that has a sheet and table specified (as described above) then go back to Script Editor and press the "Play" button to run the script.
tell application "Numbers" to tell front document
activate application "Numbers"
tell active sheet
tell (first table whose class of selection range is range)
set newFocus to my splitText((value of first cell of selection range), "::")
end tell
end tell
set thesheet to item 1 of newFocus
set thetable to item 2 of newFocus
if number of items of newFocus = 3 then
set thecell to item 3 of newFocus
set thecell to "A1"
end if
set value of cell thecell of table thetable of sheet thesheet to value of cell thecell of table thetable of sheet thesheet
end tell
on splitText(theText, theDelimiter)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
set theTextItems to every text item of theText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
return theTextItems
end splitText