Emulate M1/2/3 for a macOS deployment tool project.
I would like to emulate an M series chip and run a version of macOS, I am right now trying to make a rust tool which will install a bunch of files, and apps to deploy peoples systems in 1 click and a password. But the issue I have run into, and will keep running into is asking one of my mates to pass me their ARM MacBook to give me their aarch64 compiled versions of their apps.
My tool has the 2 paths: x86_64, or aarch64. The rest can go and get blocked, with a message saying it will not be possible to use those architectures.
For the x86_64 of course it will get the x86_64 git and stuff like that from my server. And replicate with aarch but with aarch binaries.
I want to eliminate the middle man of asking 2 of my friends which have a M2 MacBook to give me files, as that feels really sketch and also I'm just bothering them to pieces.