You should take a look at the TOU which you can find the link for just below (Apple Support Communities Terms of Use). It appears that you receive some compensation for your website, and if that is the case, then you are required to state that whenever you post a link to it.
Also, it is really important that you are aware of the dates of the posts you are responding to. Just so you know, when we see spammers, oftentimes they are posting links on threads (or to posts) that are, literally, years old. So, just try to respond to current threads. In the case of this thread, it is 80 pages long, and there is only one solution for the issue being asked, and that is to contact iTunes Support as the error message directs. That solution has been mentioned multiple times on each of all 80 pages. And all of the recommendations on your link, for this issue, are pointless. When a user receives a message telling them to go to iTunes Support, then we on the Community tell them to go to iTunes Support. We are not able to help them in this situation. They need to follow the instructions that they have been clearly given by the message they have received.
Your website also has the following:
Applenerds provide latest Apple news, reviews, editorials, jailbreak information, as well as guides and tutorials about the iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and just about everything Apple.
As you probably know, jailbreaking will void your warranty, and Apple will not have anything to do with a device that has been jailbroken, so having that as part of your profile is also against the TOU of this forum. Here is what Apple says about jailbreaking: APPLE'S JAILBREAK WARNING
One of the links you provided was for "App of the Day". However, not any of the apps that were listed were iOS App Store apps. One of the biggest problems users who come here have are caused by downloading apps directly from the internet. As Community Support members, we highly discourage anyone from doing that on an iOS device. It's just asking for problems.
News, tips, information, tutorials, are all good things to have on your site. But if you want to direct people to it when you are posting on this forum, it is really important that you are aware of the TOU and of the general guidelines that we try to provide for folks to help them keep their devices working the way they want them to.
Sorry if I misread your intentions. It's just that there were a lot of red flags there (jailbreaking, non-App Store apps, and complicated steps which really wouldn't help in a situation where the only solution is to contact Apple directly), so it appeared to be what we typically see as spam.
Good luck with your site!
Best of luck,