Date/Time: 2022-02-27 18:06:56.890 +0200 End time: 2022-02-27 18:09:00.624 +0200 OS Version: macOS 12.2.1 (Build 21D62) Architecture: x86_64h Report Version: 35 Incident Identifier: F475389E-1F2A-4F4D-A384-E7BE9069D018 Share With Devs: Yes Data Source: Microstackshots Shared Cache: 0939015D-8308-3E69-B095-BD928F835202 slid base address 0x7ff81d286000, slide 0x1d286000 Shared Cache: 0722EF94-15FC-3695-9C12-4F6DE9294070 slid base address 0x7ff82f50c000, slide 0x2f50c000 Command: UVFSService Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UVFSXPCService.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/UVFSService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/UVFSService Identifier: Version: 1.0 (1) Build Version: 56 Project Name: UserFS Source Version: 497080002000000 Architecture: x86_64 Parent: launchd [1] PID: 347 Event: cpu usage Action taken: none CPU: 90 seconds cpu time over 124 seconds (73% cpu average), exceeding limit of 50% cpu over 180 seconds CPU limit: 90s Limit duration: 180s CPU used: 90s CPU duration: 124s Duration: 123.73s Duration Sampled: 105.00s Steps: 103 Hardware model: Macmini7,1 Active cpus: 4 HW page size: 4096 VM page size: 4096 Fan speed: 1961 rpm Advisory levels: Battery -> 3, User -> 2, ThermalPressure -> 1, Combined -> 2 Free disk space: 399.51 GB/857.46 GB, low space threshold 3072 MB Heaviest stack for the target process: 40 start_wqthread + 15 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8187) [0x7ff81d59cffb] 40 _pthread_wqthread + 326 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12404) [0x7ff81d59e074] 40 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 758 (libdispatch.dylib + 79841) [0x7ff81d3fb7e1] 40 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417 (libdispatch.dylib + 38907) [0x7ff81d3f17fb] 40 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 335 (libdispatch.dylib + 35717) [0x7ff81d3f0b85] 40 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 484 (libdispatch.dylib + 115707) [0x7ff81d4043fb] 40 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 335 (libdispatch.dylib + 35717) [0x7ff81d3f0b85] 40 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 452 (libdispatch.dylib + 112823) [0x7ff81d4038b7] 40 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 11619) [0x7ff81d3ead63] 40 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1387 (libxpc.dylib + 49804) [0x7ff81d2e528c] 40 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 56 (libxpc.dylib + 54576) [0x7ff81d2e6530] 40 message_handler + 206 (Foundation + 134698) [0x7ff81e48ee2a] 40 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeMessageWithEvent:flags:] + 1676 (Foundation + 432709) [0x7ff81e4d7a45] 40 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_EXPORTED_OBJECT__ + 17 (Foundation + 777412) [0x7ff81e52bcc4] 40 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 305 (CoreFoundation + 409877) [0x7ff81d64c115] 40 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation + 410236) [0x7ff81d64c27c] 40 ??? (UVFSService + 42830) [0x10f02d74e] 40 ??? (UVFSService + 29884) [0x10f02a4bc] 40 ??? (UVFSService + 126171) [0x10f041cdb] 40 plugin_fsops_mount + 952 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 88996) [0x7ffa38fbdba4] 40 ntfs_mount + 4876 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 131001) [0x7ffa38fc7fb9] 40 ntfs_system_inodes_get + 4310 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 144150) [0x7ffa38fcb316] 40 ntfs_logfile_check + 510 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 154297) [0x7ffa38fcdab9] 40 ntfs_page_map_ext + 347 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 69093) [0x7ffa38fb8de5] 40 ntfs_pagein + 1285 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 68239) [0x7ffa38fb8a8f] 35 pread + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7986) [0x7ff81d565f32] Powerstats for: UVFSService [347] UUID: 64236CA8-5B48-3003-B012-2E2B93404089 Path: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UVFSXPCService.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/UVFSService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/UVFSService Identifier: Version: 1.0 (1) Build Version: 56 Project Name: UserFS Source Version: 497080002000000 Shared Cache: 0939015D-8308-3E69-B095-BD928F835202 slid base address 0x7ff81d286000, slide 0x1d286000 Architecture: x86_64 Parent: launchd [1] UID: 0 Sudden Term: Tracked (allows idle exit) Footprint: 1236 KB Start time: 2022-02-27 18:07:21.683 +0200 End time: 2022-02-27 18:08:59.745 +0200 Num samples: 40 (39%) Primary state: 34 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, Kernel mode, Effective Thread QoS Default, Requested Thread QoS Default, Override Thread QoS Unspecified User Activity: 0 samples Idle, 40 samples Active Power Source: 0 samples on Battery, 40 samples on AC 40 start_wqthread + 15 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8187) [0x7ff81d59cffb] 40 _pthread_wqthread + 326 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12404) [0x7ff81d59e074] 40 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 758 (libdispatch.dylib + 79841) [0x7ff81d3fb7e1] 40 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417 (libdispatch.dylib + 38907) [0x7ff81d3f17fb] 40 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 335 (libdispatch.dylib + 35717) [0x7ff81d3f0b85] 40 _dispatch_mach_invoke + 484 (libdispatch.dylib + 115707) [0x7ff81d4043fb] 40 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 335 (libdispatch.dylib + 35717) [0x7ff81d3f0b85] 40 _dispatch_mach_msg_invoke + 452 (libdispatch.dylib + 112823) [0x7ff81d4038b7] 40 _dispatch_client_callout4 + 9 (libdispatch.dylib + 11619) [0x7ff81d3ead63] 40 _xpc_connection_mach_event + 1387 (libxpc.dylib + 49804) [0x7ff81d2e528c] 40 _xpc_connection_call_event_handler + 56 (libxpc.dylib + 54576) [0x7ff81d2e6530] 40 message_handler + 206 (Foundation + 134698) [0x7ff81e48ee2a] 40 -[NSXPCConnection _decodeAndInvokeMessageWithEvent:flags:] + 1676 (Foundation + 432709) [0x7ff81e4d7a45] 40 __NSXPCCONNECTION_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_EXPORTED_OBJECT__ + 17 (Foundation + 777412) [0x7ff81e52bcc4] 40 -[NSInvocation invoke] + 305 (CoreFoundation + 409877) [0x7ff81d64c115] 40 __invoking___ + 140 (CoreFoundation + 410236) [0x7ff81d64c27c] 40 ??? (UVFSService + 42830) [0x10f02d74e] 40 ??? (UVFSService + 29884) [0x10f02a4bc] 40 ??? (UVFSService + 126171) [0x10f041cdb] 40 plugin_fsops_mount + 952 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 88996) [0x7ffa38fbdba4] 40 ntfs_mount + 4876 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 131001) [0x7ffa38fc7fb9] 40 ntfs_system_inodes_get + 4310 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 144150) [0x7ffa38fcb316] 40 ntfs_logfile_check + 510 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 154297) [0x7ffa38fcdab9] 40 ntfs_page_map_ext + 347 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 69093) [0x7ffa38fb8de5] 40 ntfs_pagein + 1285 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 68239) [0x7ffa38fb8a8f] 35 pread + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 7986) [0x7ff81d565f32] 1 4 cluster_pagein_ext + 220 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 191481) [0x7ffa38fd6bf9] 2 ntfs_vnop_blockmap + 64 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 269381) [0x7ffa38fe9c45] 1 pthread_rwlock_rdlock + 90 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13134) [0x7ff81d59e34e] 1 1 pthread_rwlock_rdlock + 7 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 13051) [0x7ff81d59e2fb] 1 1 ntfs_vnop_blockmap + 274 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 269591) [0x7ffa38fe9d17] 1 pthread_mutex_unlock + 90 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 7660) [0x7ff81d59cdec] 1 1 ntfs_vnop_blockmap + 226 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 269543) [0x7ffa38fe9ce7] 1 pthread_mutex_lock + 24 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6498) [0x7ff81d59c962] 1 1 ntfs_vnop_blockmap + 1 (livefiles_ntfs.dylib + 269318) [0x7ffa38fe9c06] 1 Binary Images: 0x10f023000 - 0x10f066fff 1.0 (1) <64236CA8-5B48-3003-B012-2E2B93404089> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/UVFSXPCService.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/UVFSService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/UVFSService 0x7ff81d2d9000 - 0x7ff81d30ffff libxpc.dylib (2235.80.3) <4F45F1A2-C5F6-32E4-B561-032AF20CAAD0> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib 0x7ff81d3e8000 - 0x7ff81d42efff libdispatch.dylib (1324.60.3) <67D92C93-AA68-34C2-964B-23E8A8D32098> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff81d564000 - 0x7ff81d59afff libsystem_kernel.dylib (8019.80.24) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff81d59b000 - 0x7ff81d5a6fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (485.60.2) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81d5e8000 - 0x7ff81daeafff 6.9 (1856.107) <9B112884-BE6C-3C7F-9A2A-A47C491105DB> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7ff81e46e000 - 0x7ff81e828fff 6.9 (1856.107) /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation 0x7ffa38fa8000 - 0x7ffa39017fff livefiles_ntfs.dylib (119.40.2) <5BF928BF-2BB9-3F91-B1D5-FF85495318E8> /System/Library/Filesystems/ntfs.fs/Contents/Resources/livefiles_ntfs.dylib Powerstats for: mds_stores UUID: 2123B56F-7E1F-30C9-BDFF-5C72E727D7DE Path: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds_stores Shared Cache: 0939015D-8308-3E69-B095-BD928F835202 slid base address 0x7ff81d286000, slide 0x1d286000 Architecture: x86_64 Start time: 2022-02-27 18:07:41.594 +0200 End time: 2022-02-27 18:09:00.323 +0200 Num samples: 16 (16%) Primary state: 8 samples Non-Frontmost App, Non-Suppressed, User mode, Effective Thread QoS Background, Requested Thread QoS Background, Override Thread QoS Unspecified User Activity: 0 samples Idle, 16 samples Active Power Source: 0 samples on Battery, 16 samples on AC 16 start_wqthread + 15 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 8187) [0x7ff81d59cffb] 9 _pthread_wqthread + 256 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12334) [0x7ff81d59e02e] 9 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 160 (libdispatch.dylib + 76634) [0x7ff81d3fab5a] 9 _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 680 (libdispatch.dylib + 75019) [0x7ff81d3fa50b] 9 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 11465) [0x7ff81d3eacc9] 9 _dispatch_apply_invoke + 213 (libdispatch.dylib + 82389) [0x7ff81d3fc1d5] 9 _dispatch_client_callout2 + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 11516) [0x7ff81d3eacfc] 9 __setAttributesBulk_block_invoke.2611 + 425 (SpotlightIndex + 1280294) [0x7ff8334a8926] 8 _setAttributes + 9733 (SpotlightIndex + 1276510) [0x7ff8334a7a5e] 7 si_writeBackAndIndexWithLiveQueryToggle + 4622 (SpotlightIndex + 359336) [0x7ff8333c7ba8] 7 _CIUpdateContent + 830 (SpotlightIndex + 344872) [0x7ff8333c4328] 6 setDocumentAttributes + 4090 (SpotlightIndex + 793946) [0x7ff833431d5a] 6 TermUpdateSetAddDocumentInfo + 283 (SpotlightIndex + 799147) [0x7ff8334331ab] 3 termUpdateSetProcessFields + 1451 (SpotlightIndex + 801115) [0x7ff83343395b] 2 invertValueToUpdateSet + 2033 (SpotlightIndex + 803521) [0x7ff8334342c1] 1 _CITokenizerGetTokens + 2780 (SpotlightIndex + 808416) [0x7ff8334355e0] 1 _getPropertySubTokenCallback + 12 (SpotlightIndex + 1804412) [0x7ff83352887c] 1 getPropertyTokenCallback + 379 (SpotlightIndex + 814043) [0x7ff833436bdb] 1 pushPropertyTerm + 185 (SpotlightIndex + 805273) [0x7ff833434999] 1 _CITokenizerGetTokens + 2008 (SpotlightIndex + 807644) [0x7ff8334352dc] 1 CoreNLP::WordDispatchTagger::setLocale(__CFLocale const*) + 18 (CoreNLP + 86972) [0x7ff826c0a3bc] 1 CoreNLP::TaggerContext::setLocale(__CFLocale const*) + 65 (CoreNLP + 62855) [0x7ff826c04587] 1 CoreNLP::getLocaleLanguage(__CFLocale const*) + 9 (CoreNLP + 14143) [0x7ff826bf873f] 1 1 invertValueToUpdateSet + 1961 (SpotlightIndex + 803449) [0x7ff833434279] 1 CITokenizerSetLocale + 299 (SpotlightIndex + 379371) [0x7ff8333cc9eb] 1 CoreNLP::getLocaleLanguage(__CFLocale const*) + 158 (CoreNLP + 14292) [0x7ff826bf87d4] 1 uloc_addLikelySubtags + 34 (libicucore.A.dylib + 131314) [0x7ff81f9680f2] 1 1 termUpdateSetProcessFields + 1701 (SpotlightIndex + 801365) [0x7ff833433a55] 1 invertValueToUpdateSet + 2033 (SpotlightIndex + 803521) [0x7ff8334342c1] 1 _CITokenizerGetTokens + 1362 (SpotlightIndex + 806998) [0x7ff833435056] 1 _NLStringTokenizerTokenizeWithTranscriptions + 80 (CoreNLP + 70840) [0x7ff826c064b8] 1 CoreNLP::WordDispatchTagger::getNextToken() + 135 (CoreNLP + 38873) [0x7ff826bfe7d9] 1 CoreNLP::WordDispatchTagger::getNextTokenFromCurrentSubWordTagger(CFRange*) + 37 (CoreNLP + 39069) [0x7ff826bfe89d] 1 CoreNLP::DefaultSubWordTagger::getNextToken(CFRange*) + 164 (CoreNLP + 39332) [0x7ff826bfe9a4] 1 CoreNLP::ICUTextBreakWithCustomizedRules::getNextToken(bool&) + 46 (CoreNLP + 66578) [0x7ff826c05412] 1 icu::RuleBasedTokenizer::tokenize(int, RuleBasedTokenRange*, unsigned long*) + 340 (libicucore.A.dylib + 289092) [0x7ff81f98e944] 1 termUpdateSetProcessFields + 576 (SpotlightIndex + 800240) [0x7ff8334335f0] 1 invertValueToUpdateSet + 2033 (SpotlightIndex + 803521) [0x7ff8334342c1] 1 _CITokenizerGetTokens + 3995 (SpotlightIndex + 809631) [0x7ff833435a9f] 1 _getPropertyTokenCallback + 12 (SpotlightIndex + 1804396) [0x7ff83352886c] 1 getPropertyTokenCallback + 379 (SpotlightIndex + 814043) [0x7ff833436bdb] 1 pushPropertyTerm + 482 (SpotlightIndex + 805570) [0x7ff833434ac2] 1 pushTermTable + 135 (SpotlightIndex + 1797143) [0x7ff833526c17] 1 1 termUpdateSetProcessFields + 246 (SpotlightIndex + 799910) [0x7ff8334334a6] 1 invertValueToUpdateSet + 2033 (SpotlightIndex + 803521) [0x7ff8334342c1] 1 _CITokenizerGetTokens + 4646 (SpotlightIndex + 810282) [0x7ff833435d2a] 1 _NLStringTokenizerGetSubTokensOfCompound + 160 (CoreNLP + 71267) [0x7ff826c06663] 1 ??? (libicucore.A.dylib + 705889) [0x7ff81f9f4561] 1 setDocumentAttributes + 4185 (SpotlightIndex + 794041) [0x7ff833431db9] 1 mergeIntoUpdateSet + 225 (SpotlightIndex + 1741873) [0x7ff833519431] 1 _dispatch_group_wake + 254 (libdispatch.dylib + 14541) [0x7ff81d3eb8cd] 1 si_writeBackAndIndexWithLiveQueryToggle + 1167 (SpotlightIndex + 355881) [0x7ff8333c6e29] 1 decodeDBOToDictionary + 425 (SpotlightIndex + 364292) [0x7ff8333c8f04] 1 _decodeSDBField + 1531 (SpotlightIndex + 366907) [0x7ff8333c993b] 1 CFStringCreateWithBytes + 27 (CoreFoundation + 64365) [0x7ff81d5f7b6d] 1 __CFStringCreateImmutableFunnel3 + 2042 (CoreFoundation + 14068) [0x7ff81d5eb6f4] 1 DYLD-STUB$$__bzero + 0 (libsystem_platform.dylib + 32908) [0x7ff81d5bb08c] 1 _setAttributes + 7855 (SpotlightIndex + 1274632) [0x7ff8334a7308] 1 setDatastoreAttributes + 159 (SpotlightIndex + 1286261) [0x7ff8334aa075] 1 -[__NSDictionaryI __apply:context:] + 95 (CoreFoundation + 354592) [0x7ff81d63e920] 1 setAttributeApplier + 238 (SpotlightIndex + 1290917) [0x7ff8334ab2a5] 1 setOneFieldLocked + 2636 (SpotlightIndex + 829155) [0x7ff83343a6e3] 1 db_add_field + 84 (SpotlightIndex + 641252) [0x7ff83340c8e4] 1 db2_add_field_with_cache + 1740 (SpotlightIndex + 2619340) [0x7ff8335ef7cc] 1 _get_id_for_string + 519 (SpotlightIndex + 119527) [0x7ff83338d2e7] 1 data_map_id_get_with_key + 594 (SpotlightIndex + 1522594) [0x7ff8334e3ba2] 7 _pthread_wqthread + 326 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 12404) [0x7ff81d59e074] 7 _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 758 (libdispatch.dylib + 79841) [0x7ff81d3fb7e1] 7 _dispatch_workloop_invoke + 805 (libdispatch.dylib + 42575) [0x7ff81d3f264f] 7 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417 (libdispatch.dylib + 38907) [0x7ff81d3f17fb] 7 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 335 (libdispatch.dylib + 35717) [0x7ff81d3f0b85] 7 _dispatch_lane_invoke + 417 (libdispatch.dylib + 38907) [0x7ff81d3f17fb] 7 _dispatch_lane_serial_drain + 696 (libdispatch.dylib + 36078) [0x7ff81d3f0cee] 7 _dispatch_client_callout + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 11465) [0x7ff81d3eacc9] 5 _dispatch_block_async_invoke2 + 83 (libdispatch.dylib + 64781) [0x7ff81d3f7d0d] 5 work_fun + 699 (SpotlightIndex + 667922) [0x7ff833413112] 3 compaction_runLoop + 105 (SpotlightIndex + 976899) [0x7ff83345e803] 2 si_mergeIndex + 4557 (SpotlightIndex + 1071446) [0x7ff833475956] 2 OuterMerge + 2335 (SpotlightIndex + 1020718) [0x7ff83346932e] 2 InnerMerge + 2458 (SpotlightIndex + 470900) [0x7ff8333e2f74] 2 ContentIndexMergeIndexes + 578 (SpotlightIndex + 1021994) [0x7ff83346982a] 2 _ContentIndexMergeIndexes + 269 (SpotlightIndex + 1022319) [0x7ff83346996f] 1 mergeIndexData + 2708 (SpotlightIndex + 1025458) [0x7ff83346a5b2] 1 iterateTermsForIndexes + 1924 (SpotlightIndex + 478266) [0x7ff8333e4c3a] 1 getItem + 61 (SpotlightIndex + 1056537) [0x7ff833471f19] 1 pthread_mutex_lock + 100 (libsystem_pthread.dylib + 6574) [0x7ff81d59c9ae] 1 1 mergeIndexData + 949 (SpotlightIndex + 1023699) [0x7ff833469ed3] 1 createIndex + 1503 (SpotlightIndex + 773103) [0x7ff83342cbef] 1 openPayload + 710 (SpotlightIndex + 589782) [0x7ff8333fffd6] 1 fd_fastpromote + 53 (SpotlightIndex + 2074112) [0x7ff83356a600] 1 fgetattrlist + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 13934) [0x7ff81d56766e] 1 1 si_mergeIndex + 2196 (SpotlightIndex + 1069085) [0x7ff83347501d] 1 CompactIndexes + 377 (SpotlightIndex + 1073768) [0x7ff833476268] 1 _CICompact + 1073 (SpotlightIndex + 1659249) [0x7ff833505171] 1 index_compact + 6003 (SpotlightIndex + 982979) [0x7ff83345ffc3] 1 dumpDirectoryStore + 2117 (SpotlightIndex + 484506) [0x7ff8333e649a] 1 __compactForwardDirectoryStore_block_invoke + 116 (SpotlightIndex + 2056789) [0x7ff833566255] 1 directoryStoreMakePathWithPostingsOffset + 777 (SpotlightIndex + 495330) [0x7ff8333e8ee2] 1 directoryStoreGetDirectoryWithPath + 852 (SpotlightIndex + 426592) [0x7ff8333d8260] 1 directoryStoreGetDirectoryWithPath + 852 (SpotlightIndex + 426592) [0x7ff8333d8260] 1 directoryStoreGetDirectoryWithPath + 852 (SpotlightIndex + 426592) [0x7ff8333d8260] 1 directoryStoreGetDirectoryWithPath + 852 (SpotlightIndex + 426592) [0x7ff8333d8260] 1 directoryStoreGetDirectoryWithPath + 852 (SpotlightIndex + 426592) [0x7ff8333d8260] 1 directoryStoreGetDirectoryWithPath + 852 (SpotlightIndex + 426592) [0x7ff8333d8260] 1 directoryStoreGetDirectoryWithPath + 852 (SpotlightIndex + 426592) [0x7ff8333d8260] 1 directoryStoreGetDirectoryWithPath + 408 (SpotlightIndex + 426148) [0x7ff8333d80a4] 1 2 setattr_runLoop + 110 (SpotlightIndex + 776463) [0x7ff83342d90f] 2 setAttributesBulk + 207 (SpotlightIndex + 1266308) [0x7ff8334a5284] 2 _dispatch_apply_with_attr_f + 1179 (libdispatch.dylib + 84546) [0x7ff81d3fca42] 2 _dispatch_apply_invoke_and_wait + 213 (libdispatch.dylib + 87228) [0x7ff81d3fd4bc] 2 _dispatch_client_callout2 + 8 (libdispatch.dylib + 11516) [0x7ff81d3eacfc] 2 __setAttributesBulk_block_invoke.2611 + 425 (SpotlightIndex + 1280294) [0x7ff8334a8926] 2 _setAttributes + 9733 (SpotlightIndex + 1276510) [0x7ff8334a7a5e] 1 si_writeBackAndIndexWithLiveQueryToggle + 4899 (SpotlightIndex + 359613) [0x7ff8333c7cbd] 1 si_writeBackDBO + 155 (SpotlightIndex + 817648) [0x7ff8334379f0] 1 _db_write_lock + 0 (SpotlightIndex + 1969816) [0x7ff833550e98] 1 si_writeBackAndIndexWithLiveQueryToggle + 4622 (SpotlightIndex + 359336) [0x7ff8333c7ba8] 1 _CIUpdateContent + 830 (SpotlightIndex + 344872) [0x7ff8333c4328] 1 setDocumentAttributes + 4090 (SpotlightIndex + 793946) [0x7ff833431d5a] 1 TermUpdateSetAddDocumentInfo + 283 (SpotlightIndex + 799147) [0x7ff8334331ab] 1 termUpdateSetProcessFields + 1451 (SpotlightIndex + 801115) [0x7ff83343395b] 1 invertValueToUpdateSet + 2033 (SpotlightIndex + 803521) [0x7ff8334342c1] 1 _CITokenizerGetTokens + 2078 (SpotlightIndex + 807714) [0x7ff833435322] 1 _CITokenizerGetTokens + 6030 (SpotlightIndex + 811666) [0x7ff833436292] 1 _NLStringTokenizerGetDerivedTokens + 197 (CoreNLP + 73381) [0x7ff826c06ea5] 1 CoreNLP::GermanCompoundWord::enumerateDerivedSubTokensOfToken(CFRange const*, bool, void (NLToken*, __CFString const*, unsigned long, bool*) block_pointer) const + 351 (CoreNLP + 73911) [0x7ff826c070b7] 1 ___NLStringTokenizerGetDerivedTokens_block_invoke + 80 (CoreNLP + 74104) [0x7ff826c07178] 1 2 work_fun + 699 (SpotlightIndex + 667922) [0x7ff833413112] 2 background_query_runLoop + 105 (SpotlightIndex + 286378) [0x7ff8333b5eaa] 2 executeSearchCtx2(search_ctx_s*, unsigned char) + 266 (SpotlightIndex + 1875654) [0x7ff833539ec6] 1 executeSearchContextCracked_2(SISearchCtx*, search_ctx_s*) + 1855 (SpotlightIndex + 238669) [0x7ff8333aa44d] 1 si_querypipe_addresults(__si_querypipe*, PartialQueryResults*, SIQueryResultCommand, bool, __SIQuery*) + 1543 (SpotlightIndex + 755832) [0x7ff833428878] 1 _MDStoreOIDArrayApplyBlock + 109 (MetadataUtilities + 13951) [0x7ff823f5367f] 1 invocation function for block in si_querypipe_addresults(__si_querypipe*, PartialQueryResults*, SIQueryResultCommand, bool, __SIQuery*) + 113 (SpotlightIndex + 1878881) [0x7ff83353ab61] 1 qsort_oids + 468 (SpotlightIndex + 747716) [0x7ff8334268c4] 1 _qsort_big_oid_t + 799 (SpotlightIndex + 1098457) [0x7ff83347c2d9] 1 _qsort_oid_t + 312 (SpotlightIndex + 1094789) [0x7ff83347b485] 1 executeSearchContextCracked_2(SISearchCtx*, search_ctx_s*) + 1459 (SpotlightIndex + 238273) [0x7ff8333aa2c1] 1 performSearch_METADATA(SISearchCtx_METADATA*, PartialQueryResults*) + 541 (SpotlightIndex + 240827) [0x7ff8333aacbb] 1 inner_performSearch(SISearchCtx_METADATA*, PartialQueryResults*) + 1105 (SpotlightIndex + 242542) [0x7ff8333ab36e] 1 _performSearch(SISearchCtx_METADATA*, PartialQueryResults*) + 981 (SpotlightIndex + 723452) [0x7ff8334209fc] 1 refillOids(SISearchCtx_METADATA*, bool, double, unsigned long) + 2637 (SpotlightIndex + 246787) [0x7ff8333ac403] 1 ContentIndexDocSetResolveOIDsAndGroups_Step + 3267 (SpotlightIndex + 1139827) [0x7ff833486473] 1 Binary Images: 0x10ff37000 - ??? mds_stores <2123B56F-7E1F-30C9-BDFF-5C72E727D7DE> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds_stores 0x7ff81d3e8000 - 0x7ff81d42efff libdispatch.dylib (1324.60.3) <67D92C93-AA68-34C2-964B-23E8A8D32098> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff81d564000 - 0x7ff81d59afff libsystem_kernel.dylib (8019.80.24) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x7ff81d59b000 - 0x7ff81d5a6fff libsystem_pthread.dylib (485.60.2) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81d5b3000 - 0x7ff81d5bcfff libsystem_platform.dylib (273.40.1) /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib 0x7ff81d5e8000 - 0x7ff81daeafff 6.9 (1856.107) <9B112884-BE6C-3C7F-9A2A-A47C491105DB> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation 0x7ff81f948000 - 0x7ff81fbd0fff libicucore.A.dylib (68232.1) <968B2F5D-E4D3-3E68-A1DF-47B56CFEA29D> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib 0x7ff823f50000 - 0x7ff823f9ffff 1.0 (2183.14) <0BAA01AD-DBEC-346A-A1B1-29E85787A7C1> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MetadataUtilities.framework/Versions/A/MetadataUtilities 0x7ff826bf5000 - 0x7ff826cd7fff 1.0 (273) <42EBA6F9-03D8-3934-900E-0037477C4BEE> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreNLP.framework/Versions/A/CoreNLP 0x7ff833370000 - 0x7ff833652fff 10.7.0 (2183.14) /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpotlightIndex.framework/Versions/A/SpotlightIndex