Good evening, friends! I wrote earlier about my problem in this topic and I have some news. I solved the problem for myself, maybe my solution will help you too. 20 days after purchase, my eyes started to hurt regularly and more and more. I put flu.x - it didn't help a ****. I decided to go to an ophthalmologist - he said that there was something wrong with my commutation and the computer could be the cause of the deterioration of eye health. He picked up my lenses and I even managed to pay for them and choose a frame for glasses to work on the computer. So I took it with a blue blocker and support, + 0.5 for both eyes. But that's not the point. Then, while waiting for the glasses, I continued to work and suffer - but decided to contact apple care or even return the MacBook back (the eyes are more expensive). They don't take it back-) The support showed several screen settings that you can play with to change the effect on the eyes. The settings are generally simple - changing the resolution - and color profile changes - . There were also settings from universal access, but they didn't help me. I took a MacBook and put it next to my old acer - which does not hurt my eyes -) and began to select settings just by eye that will make the image as close as possible to the acer monitor. And picked it up-) In the screenshots above, I specified exactly these settings - slightly lower screen resolution and Adobe RGB 1998 color scheme. Yes, everything has become not so clear, but not so beautiful and awesome. BUT! My eyes don't hurt! and I'm working fine. I need a Mac for speed, lack of stupidity and high-quality programs. + the image component + it's really nice to work with him. I don't work with graphics, colors, etc. Therefore, if you can afford to change these settings, try it, and you may be as happy as I am. I really managed to order the glasses, but that's okay... blue blucker won't be superfluous in my regime. I will be glad if my experience helps someone. In any case, success to you in solving this problem, colleagues.