EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.1 (68024) Report generated: 2023-05-26 08:54:36 Download EtreCheckPro from Runtime: 2:18 Performance: Excellent Problem: Apps are crashing Description: Pages crashes repeatedly, even in safe mode (though less frequently) T his is a second try while not running in safe mode. Major Issues: None Minor Issues: These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement. No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found. Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. These files could be old, incompatible, and cause problems. They should be reviewed. Limited permissions - More information may be available with Full Disk Access. Kernel extensions present - This computer has kernel extensions that may not work in the future. Hardware Information: MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021) Status: Supported Under warranty: Yes Warranty expiration: 2024-11-21 MacBook Pro Model: MacBookPro18,3 Apple M1 Pro (m1) CPU: 10-core 32 GB RAM - Not upgradeable Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 12 Video Information: Apple M1 Pro LG ULTRAWIDE 3440 x 1440 Color LCD 3024 x 1964 LG Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 Drives: disk0 - APPLE SSD AP1024R 1.00 TB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes) Internal Apple Fabric NVM Express disk0s1 [APFS Container] 524 MB disk1 [APFS Virtual drive] 524 MB (Shared by 4 volumes) disk1s1 - iSCPreboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (6 MB used) disk1s2 - xART (APFS) (6 MB used) disk1s3 - Hardware (APFS) (3 MB used) disk1s4 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (20 KB used) disk0s2 [APFS Container] 994.66 GB disk3 [APFS Virtual drive] 994.66 GB (Shared by 6 volumes) disk3s1 (APFS) [APFS Container] (9.08 GB used) disk3s1s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (9.08 GB used) disk3s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (4.79 GB used) disk3s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (794 MB used) disk3s4 - Update (APFS) (17 MB used) disk3s5 - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (434.17 GB used) disk3s6 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (20 KB used) disk0s3 [APFS Container] 5.37 GB disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 5.37 GB (Shared by 2 volumes) disk2s1 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (1.62 GB used) disk2s2 - Update (APFS) (430 KB used) Mounted Volumes: disk1s1 - iSCPreboot [APFS Preboot] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/iSCPreboot Used: 6 MB Shared values Size: 524 MB Free: 504 MB disk1s2 - xART Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/xarts Used: 6 MB Shared values Size: 524 MB Free: 504 MB disk1s3 - Hardware Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Hardware Used: 3 MB Shared values Size: 524 MB Free: 504 MB disk3s1s1 - Macintosh HD [APFS Snapshot] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: / Read-only: Yes Used: 9.08 GB Shared values Size: 994.66 GB Free: 545.61 GB Available: 561.34 GB disk3s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot Used: 4.79 GB Shared values Size: 994.66 GB Free: 545.61 GB disk3s4 - Update Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update Used: 17 MB Shared values Size: 994.66 GB Free: 545.61 GB disk3s5 - Data [APFS Virtual drive] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data Encrypted Used: 434.17 GB Shared values Size: 994.66 GB Free: 545.61 GB Available: 561.34 GB disk3s6 - VM [APFS VM] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM Used: 20 KB Shared values Size: 994.66 GB Free: 545.61 GB Network: Interface en4: Ethernet Adapter (en4) Interface en5: Ethernet Adapter (en5) Interface en6: Ethernet Adapter (en6) Interface en0: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge System Software: macOS Ventura 13.3.1 (22E772610a) Time since boot: Less than an hour Notifications: one notification one notification Security: Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers System Integrity Protection: Enabled Antivirus software: Apple Unsigned Files: Apps: 30 Applications: 501 apps 61 x86-only apps 30 unsigned apps Kernel Extensions: /Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/Logitech Options.localized [Not Loaded] LogiMgrDriver.kext - com.logitech.manager.kernel.driver (8.02.1 - SDK 10.13) System Launch Daemons: [Not Loaded] 43 Apple tasks [Loaded] 188 Apple tasks [Running] 157 Apple tasks [Other] One Apple task System Launch Agents: [Not Loaded] 24 Apple tasks [Loaded] 204 Apple tasks [Running] 168 Apple tasks Launch Daemons: [Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2023-04-23) Executable: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateDaemon [Loaded] us.zoom.ZoomDaemon.plist (Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - installed 2023-05-01) Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/us.zoom.ZoomDaemon Launch Agents: [Not Loaded] (Apple - installed 2023-03-24) Command: /Applications/ -downloadAllPreviouslySelectedPlatforms Location: /Applications/ [Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2023-04-23) Command: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/ -runMode ifneeded [Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2023-04-23) Command: /Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/ -runMode xpchost [Running] com.logitech.manager.daemon.plist (Logitech Inc. - installed 2023-04-23) Command: /Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/Logitech Options.localized/ --launchd User Launch Agents: [Loaded] com.dropbox.DropboxMacUpdate.agent.plist (Dropbox, Inc. - installed 2023-03-15) Command: ~/Library/Dropbox/ -check periodic User Login Items: [Running] Dropbox (Dropbox, Inc. - installed 2023-04-23) Application /Applications/ App Extensions: Finder sync extensions: Dropbox Finder Extension - /Applications/ Share services: Dropbox Transfer - /Applications/ File providers: Dropbox - /Applications/ QuickLook Previews: EtreCheckQuickLook - ~/Downloads/ com.etresoft.etrecheck4 *.etrecheck Backup: Time Machine Not Configured! Performance: System Load: 33.90 (1 min ago) 27.66 (5 min ago) 12.40 (15 min ago) Nominal I/O usage: 0.87 MB/s File system: 7.80 seconds Write speed: 4917 MB/s Read speed: 3892 MB/s CPU Usage Snapshot: Type Overall System: 3 % User: 8 % Idle: 89 % Top Processes Snapshot by CPU: Process (count) CPU (Source - Location) WindowServer 37.14 % (Apple) Dropbox Helper (Renderer) (3) 12.74 % (Dropbox, Inc.) (5) 11.44 % (Apple) kernel_task 10.70 % (Apple) Notes 10.30 % (Apple) Top Processes Snapshot by Memory: Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location) EtreCheckPro 982 MB (Etresoft, Inc.) Unity (6) 663 MB (Not signed - /Applications) Unity Hub 583 MB (Unity Technologies ApS) Numbers 467 MB (Apple) Dropbox (3) 430 MB (Dropbox, Inc.) Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use: Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location) 475 KB / 58 KB (Apple) mDNSResponder 249 KB / 92 KB (Apple) nsurlsessiond 235 KB / 91 KB (Apple) apsd 27 KB / 85 KB (Apple) rapportd 48 KB / 17 KB (Apple) Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use: Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location) WindowServer 19 (Apple) System Settings 8 (Not signed) searchpartyusera 6 (Not signed) Dropbox Helper (Renderer) (3) 6 (Dropbox, Inc.) (5) 4 (Apple) Virtual Memory Information: Physical RAM: 32 GB Free RAM: 13.94 GB Used RAM: 9.45 GB Cached files: 8.61 GB Available RAM: 22.55 GB Swap Used: 0 B Software Installs (past 60 days): Install Date Name (Version) 2023-03-31 Numbers (13.0) 2023-03-31 Keynote (13.0) 2023-03-31 Pages (13.0) 2023-03-31 XProtectPlistConfigData (2167) 2023-04-05 Xcode (14.3) 2023-04-23 RosettaUpdateAuto ( 2023-04-23 macOS 13.3.1 (13.3.1) 2023-05-01 Zoom ( 2023-05-03 XProtectPayloads (97) 2023-05-04 macOS Rapid Security Response 13.3.1 (a) (13.3.1 (a)) 2023-05-23 iMovie (10.3.6) Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days): 2023-05-26 08:50:23 fseventsd High CPU Use Executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/FSEvents.framework/Versions/A/Support/fseventsd 2023-05-26 08:23:06 Pages Crash Executable: /Applications/ 2023-05-23 14:44:52 installd High CPU Use Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/installd 2023-05-20 15:21:17 intelligenceplatformd High CPU Use Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IntelligencePlatformCore.framework/Versions/A/intelligenceplatformd End of report