EtreCheck version: 5.7.2 (5247) Report generated: 2021-02-27 21:49:20 Download EtreCheck from Runtime: 4:36 Performance: Good Sandbox: Enabled Full drive access: Disabled Problem: Computer is too slow Description: App takes a while to open, sometimes freezes. Closing an app takes som e time too. Major Issues: None Minor Issues: These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement. No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found. Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. Apple has said that unsigned software will not run by default in a future version of the operating system. Limited drive access - More information may be available with Full Drive Access. Kernel extensions present - This computer has kernel extensions that may not work in the future. Hardware Information: iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, 2019) iMac Model: iMac19,2 3.6 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i3 (i3-8100) CPU: 4-core 8 GB RAM - Upgradeable by an Apple Authorized Service Provider BANK 0/ChannelA-DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR4 2400 BANK 2/ChannelB-DIMM0 - 4 GB DDR4 2400 Video Information: Radeon Pro 555X - VRAM: 2 GB iMac (built-in) 4096 x 2304 Drives: disk0 - APPLE HDD HTS541010A9E632 1.00 TB (Mechanical - 5400 RPM) Internal SATA 3 Gigabit Serial ATA disk0s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB disk0s2 [APFS Container] 1000.00 GB disk1 [APFS Virtual drive] 1000.00 GB (Shared by 6 volumes) disk1s1 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (Shared - 191.60 GB used) disk1s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (Shared - 369 MB used) disk1s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (Shared) disk1s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (Shared - 4.30 GB used) disk1s5 (APFS) [APFS Container] (Shared) disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (Shared - 15.05 GB used) disk1s6 - Update (APFS) (Shared - 803 KB used) disk2 - Apple Built In SDXC Reader 31.91 GB Internal Secure Digital disk2s1 - L***X (MS-DOS FAT32) 31.91 GB (14.59 GB used) Mounted Volumes: disk1s1 - Macintosh HD - Data [APFS Virtual drive] 1000.00 GB (Shared - 191.60 GB used, 788.47 GB available, 787.86 GB free) APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data disk1s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot] 1000.00 GB (Shared - 369 MB used, 787.86 GB free) APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot disk1s4 - VM [APFS VM] 1000.00 GB (Shared - 4.30 GB used, 787.86 GB free) APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM disk1s5s1 - Macintosh HD [APFS Snapshot] 1000.00 GB (Shared - 15.05 GB used, 788.47 GB available, 787.86 GB free) APFS Mount point: / Read-only: Yes disk1s6 - Update 1000.00 GB (Shared - 803 KB used, 787.86 GB free) APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update disk2s1 - L***X 31.91 GB (14.59 GB used, 17.31 GB free) MS-DOS FAT32 Mount point: /Volumes/L***X Network: Interface en0: Ethernet Interface en1: Wi-Fi Interface en4: Bluetooth PAN Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge System Software: macOS Big Sur 11.2.1 (20D74) Time since boot: About 7 hours Notifications: Notifications not available without Full Drive Access. Security: Gatekeeper: Enabled System Integrity Protection: Enabled Antivirus software: Apple Unsigned Files: Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/ Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OSInstaller.framework/Resources/OSMessageTracer Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ Executable: ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/ -runMode ifneeded Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ Executable: ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/ -runMode xpchost Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK Apps: 1 Kernel Extensions: /Library/Extensions hp_io_printerclassdriver_enabler.kext - com.hp.hpio.hp-io-printerclassdriver-enabler (19.29.0 - SDK 10.13) hp_fax_io.kext - com.hp.kext.hp-fax-io (5.28.5 - SDK 10.13) hp_io_enabler_compound.kext - (3.4.0) ufsd_NTFS.kext - com.paragon-software.filesystems.ntfs (15.5.106 - SDK 10.10) System Launch Agents: [Not Loaded] 17 Apple tasks [Loaded] 172 Apple tasks [Running] 142 Apple tasks System Launch Daemons: [Not Loaded] 36 Apple tasks [Loaded] 175 Apple tasks [Running] 148 Apple tasks [Other] One Apple task Launch Agents: [Running] com.paragon-software.ntfs.notification-agent.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2020-03-17) Launch Daemons: [Loaded] (? dbb717cc - installed 2020-06-03) [Running] com.paragon-software.installer.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2019-07-14) [Loaded] com.paragon-software.ntfs.loader.plist (Apple - installed 2020-03-17) [Running] com.paragon-software.ntfsd.plist (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2020-03-17) User Launch Agents: [Loaded] com.dropbox.DropboxMacUpdate.agent.plist (Dropbox, Inc. - installed 2020-11-19) [Loaded] (? 0 - installed 2020-10-24) [Loaded] (? 0 - installed 2020-10-24) User Login Items: [Loaded] FSMenuAppLoginItemHelper (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2020-04-11) Modern Login Item /Applications/NTFS for [Not Loaded] WhatsApp Login Helper (App Store - installed 2021-02-27) Modern Login Item /Applications/ Login [Not Loaded] HP Device Monitor (HP Inc. - installed 2019-07-14) Modern Login Item /Library/Printers/hp/Frameworks/HPDeviceMonitoring.framework/Versions/1.0/Helpers/HP Device Monitor Device [Not Loaded] HP Product Research (HP Inc. - installed 2019-07-14) Modern Login Item /Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HPPU Plugins/ProductImprovementStudy.hptask/Contents/Helpers/HP Product Research Product User Internet Plug-ins: User Internet Plug-ins need Full Drive Access User Audio Plug-ins: User Audio Plug-ins need Full Drive Access User iTunes Plug-ins: User iTunes Plug-ins need Full Drive Access 3rd Party Preference Panes: ParagonNTFS (Paragon Software GmbH - installed 2020-03-17) Backup: Time Machine Not Configured! Performance: System Load: 1.02 (1 min ago) 0.85 (5 min ago) 0.51 (15 min ago) Nominal I/O speed: 2.04 MB/s File system: 50.17 seconds Write speed: 67 MB/s Read speed: 54 MB/s CPU Usage Snapshot: Type Overall System: 2 % User: 5 % Idle: 92 % Top Processes Snapshot by CPU: Process (count) CPU (Source - Location) EtreCheck 14.67 % (App Store) Other processes 13.08 % (?) Finder 1.85 % (Apple) cfprefsd 0.12 % (Apple) routined 0.07 % (Apple) Top Processes Snapshot by Memory: Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location) EtreCheck 556 MB (App Store) Google Chrome 193 MB (Google, Inc.) Safari 131 MB (Apple) Finder 102 MB (Apple) suggestd 88 MB (Apple) Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use: Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location) Other processes 539 KB / 106 KB (?) routined 0 B / 0 B (Apple) homed 0 B / 0 B (Apple) NotificationCenter 0 B / 0 B (Apple) backgroundtaskmanagementagent 0 B / 0 B (Apple) Virtual Memory Information: Physical RAM: 8 GB Free RAM: 211 MB Used RAM: 4.28 GB Cached files: 3.51 GB Available RAM: 3.72 GB Swap Used: 0 B Software Installs (past 30 days): Install Date Name (Version) 2021-01-28 macOS 11.1 (11.1) 2021-01-30 LINE (6.6.0) 2021-01-30 GarageBand (10.4.2) 2021-02-05 macOS 11.2 (11.2) 2021-02-14 macOS 11.2.1 (11.2.1) 2021-02-23 XProtectPlistConfigData (2140) 2021-02-23 MRTConfigData (1.74) 2021-02-27 EtreCheck (5.7.2) 2021-02-27 WhatsApp (2.2104.10) Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days): Directory /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports is not accessible. Enable Full Drive Access to see more information. End of report