EtreCheckPro version: 6.5.6 (6F041)
Report generated: 2022-03-03 14:52:44
Download EtreCheckPro from
Runtime: 16:51
Performance: Poor

Problem: Computer is too slow

Major Issues:
  Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention. 
  Poor performance - EtreCheck report shows poor performance. This is unusual.

Minor Issues:
  These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement. 
  No Time Machine backup - Time Machine backup not found.
  Heavy RAM usage - Apps are using a large amount of RAM.
  Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. Apple has said that unsigned software will not run by default in a future version of the operating system.
  x86-only Apps - This computer has x86-only apps might not work on future versions of the operating system.
  Limited drive access - More information may be available with Full Drive Access.

Hardware Information:
  MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
  MacBook Pro Model: MacBookPro16,1
  2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 (i7-9750H) CPU: 6-core
  32 GB RAM - Not upgradeable
    BANK 0/ChannelA-DIMM0 - 16 GB DDR4 2667  
    BANK 2/ChannelB-DIMM0 - 16 GB DDR4 2667  
  Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 452

Video Information:
  Intel UHD Graphics 630 - VRAM: 1536 MB
  AMD Radeon Pro 5300M - VRAM: 4 GB
    Color LCD (built-in) 3584 x 2240
    DELL P3221D 2560 x 1440

  disk0 - APPLE SSD AP0512N 500.28 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes) 
  Internal PCI-Express 8.0 GT/s x4 NVM Express
    disk0s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB
    disk0s2 [APFS Container] 406.00 GB
      disk1 [APFS Virtual drive] 406.00 GB (Shared by 6 volumes)
        disk1s1 (APFS) [APFS Container] (Shared - 15.76 GB used)
          disk1s1s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (Shared - 15.76 GB used)
        disk1s2 - Macintosh HD - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (Shared - 269.28 GB used)
        disk1s3 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (Shared - 241 MB used)
        disk1s4 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (Shared - 1.09 GB used)
        disk1s5 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (Shared - 25 KB used)
        disk1s6 - Update (APFS) (Shared - 5 MB used)

Mounted Volumes:
  disk1s1s1 - Macintosh HD [APFS Snapshot]
    406.00 GB (Shared - 15.76 GB used, 121.02 GB available, 119.47 GB free)
    Mount point: /
    Read-only: Yes

  disk1s2 - Macintosh HD - Data [APFS Virtual drive]
    406.00 GB (Shared - 269.28 GB used, 121.02 GB available, 119.47 GB free)
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data

  disk1s3 - Preboot [APFS Preboot]
    406.00 GB (Shared - 241 MB used, 119.47 GB free)
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot

  disk1s5 - VM [APFS VM]
    406.00 GB (Shared - 25 KB used, 119.47 GB free)
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM

  disk1s6 - Update
    406.00 GB (Shared - 5 MB used, 119.47 GB free)
    Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update

  Interface en6: USB 10/100/1000 LAN
  Interface en0: Wi-Fi
    802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
  Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge

System Software:
  macOS Monterey 12.2.1 (21D62) 
  Time since boot: Less than an hour

    30 notifications

  Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers
  System Integrity Protection: Enabled

  Antivirus software: Apple

Unsigned Files:
  Login Item: /Applications/GeoGebra Classic Classic 6 Login

  Apps: 5

Old Applications:
  8 x86-only apps

System Launch Daemons:
  [Not Loaded]  37 Apple tasks
  [Loaded]  199 Apple tasks
  [Running]  140 Apple tasks
  [Other]  One Apple task

System Launch Agents:
  [Not Loaded]  15 Apple tasks
  [Loaded]  188 Apple tasks
  [Running]  146 Apple tasks
  [Other]  One Apple task

Launch Daemons:
  [Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)
  [Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)
  [Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)
  [Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)
  [Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)
  [Loaded] us.zoom.ZoomDaemon.plist (Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - installed 2022-03-02)

Launch Agents:
  [Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)
  [Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)

User Launch Agents:
  [Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2022-03-01)
  [Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2022-03-01)

User Login Items:
  [Not Loaded] GeoGebra Classic 6 Login Helper (? - installed 2022-03-03)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/GeoGebra Classic Classic 6 Login

  [Not Loaded] Launcher Disabler (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)
    Modern Login Item

  [Not Loaded] OneDrive Launcher (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-02)
    Modern Login Item

  Time Machine Not Configured!

  System Load: 27.51 (1 min ago) 30.56 (5 min ago) 25.69 (15 min ago)
  Nominal I/O speed: 6.00 MB/s
  File system: 59.80 seconds
  Write speed: 1473 MB/s
  Read speed: 2815 MB/s

CPU Usage Snapshot:
  Type Overall
  System: 4 %
  User: 10 %
  Idle: 86 %

Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
  Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
  WindowServer 28.18 % (Apple)
  Mail 25.46 % (Apple)
  mds_stores 22.86 % (Apple)
  Google Chrome Helper (4) 14.88 % (Google, Inc.)
  EtreCheckPro 13.02 % (Etresoft, Inc.)

Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
  Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
  Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (40) 5.57 GB (Google, Inc.)
  Brave Browser Helper (Renderer) (20) 2.10 GB (Brave Software, Inc.)
  mds_stores 744 MB (Apple)
  EtreCheckPro 671 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)
  Brave Browser 411 MB (Brave Software, Inc.)

Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
  Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location)
  corespeechd 2 KB / 9 MB (Apple)
  mDNSResponder 1 MB / 153 KB (Apple)
  Mail 348 KB / 55 KB (Apple)
  apsd 18 KB / 34 KB (Apple)
  remoted 24 KB / 27 KB (Apple)

Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
  Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)
  WindowServer 11 (Apple)
  Mail 9 (Apple)
  mds_stores 6 (Apple)
  coreaudiod 5 (Apple)
  Google Chrome Helper (4) 4 (Google, Inc.)

Virtual Memory Information:
  Physical RAM: 32 GB

  Free RAM: 4.58 GB
  Used RAM: 16.14 GB
  Cached files: 11.28 GB

  Available RAM: 15.86 GB
  Swap Used: 0 B

Software Installs (past 60 days):
  Install Date Name (Version)
  2022-03-01 Command Line Tools for Xcode (13.2)
  2022-03-02 XProtectPlistConfigData (2155)
  2022-03-02 MRTConfigData (1.88)
  2022-03-02 Zoom (
  2022-03-02 Microsoft Office 2021 Volume License Serializer (16.58.22021501)
  2022-03-02 Microsoft Office (16.58.22021501)

Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days):
  2022-03-03 07:26:11 cloudd High CPU Use
    Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudKitDaemon.framework/Support/cloudd

  2022-03-02 12:48:48 suggestd High CPU Use
    Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSuggestions.framework/Versions/A/Support/suggestd

  2022-03-02 11:59:00 High CPU Use
    Executable: /Applications/

  2022-03-02 09:27:41 High CPU Use
    Executable: /System/Applications/

  2022-03-01 23:56:17 bird High CPU Use
    Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudDocsDaemon.framework/Versions/A/Support/bird

End of report