EtreCheckPro version: 6.8.9 (68074) Report generated: 2025-03-21 01:12:51 Download EtreCheckPro from Runtime: 2:44 Performance: Excellent Problem: Beachballing Major Issues: Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention. System Integrity Protection disabled - System Integrity Protection is disabled. This computer is at risk of malware infection. Low disk space - This computer is running critically low on free hard drive space. Apple security disabled - Apple security software is disabled. This computer is at risk of malware infection. Minor Issues: These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement. Apps crashing - There have been numerous app crashes. Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. These files could be old, incompatible, and cause problems. They should be reviewed. Vintage hardware - This computer may be considered vintage. Kernel boot arguments - This computer has custom kernel boot arguments. Kernel extensions present - This computer has kernel extensions that may not work in the future. Sharing enabled - This computer has sharing services enabled that could be a security risk. Hardware Information: iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017) Status: Vintage iMac Model: iMac18,3 3.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 (i5-7600K) CPU: 4-core 32 GB RAM - Upgradeable BANK 0/DIMM0 - 8 GB DDR4 SO-DIMM 2667 BANK 0/DIMM1 - 8 GB DDR4 SO-DIMM 2667 BANK 1/DIMM0 - 8 GB DDR4 SO-DIMM 2667 BANK 1/DIMM1 - 8 GB DDR4 SO-DIMM 2667 Video Information: Radeon Pro 580 - VRAM: 8 GB iMac (built-in) 4096 x 2304 Drives: disk0 - APPLE SSD SM0128L 121.33 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes) Internal PCI-Express 8.0 GT/s x4 NVM Express S.M.A.R.T. Details: 36% used, 49.52 TB written, 100% health, 264 unsafe shutdowns disk0s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB disk0s2 [APFS Container] 120.88 GB disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 120.88 GB (Shared by 6 volumes) disk2s1 - I******** - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (87.91 GB used) disk2s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (2.11 GB used) disk2s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (1.15 GB used) disk2s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (1 MB used) disk2s5 (APFS) [APFS Container] (9.35 GB used) disk2s5s1 - I******D (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (9.35 GB used) disk2s6 - Update (APFS) (623 KB used) disk1 - CT4000MX500SSD1 4.00 TB (Solid State - TRIM: No) Internal SATA 6 Gigabit Serial ATA disk1s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB disk1s2 - I******B (Journaled HFS+) 4.00 TB (1.94 TB used) Mounted Volumes: disk1s2 - I******B Filesystem: Journaled HFS+ Mount point: /Volumes/I******B Used: 1.94 TB Size: 4.00 TB Free: 2.06 TB disk2s1 - I******** - Data [APFS Virtual drive] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data Used: 87.91 GB Shared values Size: 120.88 GB Free: 20.24 GB Available: 42.85 GB disk2s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot Used: 2.11 GB Shared values Size: 120.88 GB Free: 20.24 GB disk2s4 - VM [APFS VM] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM Used: 1 MB Shared values Size: 120.88 GB Free: 20.24 GB disk2s5s1 - I******D [APFS Snapshot] Filesystem: APFS Mount point: / Read-only: Yes Used: 9.35 GB Shared values Size: 120.88 GB Free: 20.24 GB Available: 42.85 GB disk2s6 - Update Filesystem: APFS Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update Used: 623 KB Shared values Size: 120.88 GB Free: 20.24 GB USB: USB 3.1 bus <Empty> USB 3.0 bus Broadcom Corp. - Bluetooth USB Host Controller Apple Inc. - FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in) USB PnP Audio Device Network: Interface en0: Ethernet Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge Interface en1: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Interface en4: iPhone Remote Management: Enabled System Software: macOS Ventura 13.7.4 (22H420) Installed 2025-03-02 Time since boot: Less than an hour Boot args: keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 -lilubetaall ipc_control_port_options=0 -nokcmismatchpanic Notifications: one notification Disk 4 notifications Security: Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers System Integrity Protection: unknown (Custom Configuration) Antivirus software: None! Remote Management: Enabled Unsigned Files: Apps: 5 Kernel Extensions: /Applications/Disk [Not Loaded] SecureDisk.kext - com.cleverfiles.SecureDisk (1.0 - SDK 10.14) [Not Loaded] SecureDisk_11.kext - com.cleverfiles.SecureDisk-11 (1.0 - SDK 13) /Library/Extensions [Not Loaded] EPSONUSBPrintClass.kext - (2.7.3) System Launch Daemons: [Not Loaded] 41 Apple tasks [Loaded] 189 Apple tasks [Running] 158 Apple tasks [Other] 3 Apple tasks System Launch Agents: [Not Loaded] 23 Apple tasks [Loaded] 201 Apple tasks [Running] 174 Apple tasks Launch Daemons: [Running] com.cleverfiles.cfbackd.plist (Justin Johnson - installed 2025-03-05) Executable: /Library/Application Support/CleverFiles/ [Loaded] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2025-03-20) Executable: /Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter2/Backend/ [Running] com.nchsoftware.Debut.VadHelper.plist (NCH Software - installed 2025-03-02) Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.nchsoftware.Debut.VadHelper [Running] com.nchsoftware.DeskFx.VadHelper.plist (NCH Software - installed 2025-03-21) Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.nchsoftware.DeskFx.VadHelper [Running] com.nchsoftware.SoundTap.VadHelper.plist (NCH Software - installed 2025-03-02) Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.nchsoftware.SoundTap.VadHelper Launch Agents: [Loaded] com.corel.CorelUpdateHelperTask.agent.plist (Corel Corporation. - installed 2025-03-18) Command: /Library/Preferences/com.corel.CUH/ -macSched [Loaded] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2025-03-20) Executable: /Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter2/Backend/ [Loaded] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2025-03-20) Command: /Applications/Epson Software/Epson Utilities/Epson Customer Research Ecrp [Loaded] (Seiko Epson Corporation - installed 2025-03-20) Executable: /Applications/Epson Software/EPSON Software Software Updater Software Updater Agent [Not Loaded] dummy.txt (Not signed - installed 2025-03-20) [Not Loaded] update.log (Not signed - installed 2025-03-18) User Launch Agents: [Loaded] (Google LLC - installed 2025-03-02) Command: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/GoogleUpdater/Current/ --wake-all --enable-logging --vmodule=*/components/update_client/*=2,*/chrome/enterprise_companion/*=2,*/chrome/updater/*=2 [Not Loaded] (Not signed - installed 2025-03-02) <Empty> [Not Loaded] (Not signed - installed 2025-03-02) <Empty> User Login Items: [Not Loaded] Canva Login Helper (App Store - installed 2025-03-05) Modern Login Item /Applications/ Login [Not Loaded] Background Scheduler Launcher (App Store - installed 2025-02-07) Modern Login Item /Applications/ChronoSync Scheduler [Not Loaded] ChronoSync Express Launcher (App Store - installed 2025-02-07) Modern Login Item /Applications/ChronoSync Express [Running] SmartDaemon (Justin Johnson - installed 2024-12-09) Modern Login Item /Applications/Disk [Not Loaded] Helper (App Store - installed 2025-03-14) Modern Login Item /Applications/Documents [Not Loaded] MessengerHelper (App Store - installed 2025-03-11) Modern Login Item /Applications/ [Not Loaded] MessengerLoginHelper (App Store - installed 2025-03-11) Modern Login Item /Applications/ [Not Loaded] Launcher Disabler (App Store - installed 2025-03-20) Modern Login Item /Applications/ [Not Loaded] OneDrive Launcher (App Store - installed 2025-03-20) Modern Login Item /Applications/ [Not Loaded] PDFgearHelper (App Store - installed 2025-01-04) Modern Login Item /Applications/ [Not Loaded] ShazamHelper (App Store - installed 2025-01-04) Modern Login Item /Applications/ [Not Loaded] SpeedTestHelper (App Store - installed 2025-01-04) Modern Login Item /Applications/ [Not Loaded] StartUpHelper (Spotify - installed 2025-03-05) Modern Login Item /Applications/ [Not Loaded] WhatsApp Login Helper (App Store - installed 2025-03-02) Modern Login Item /Applications/WhatsApp.localized/ Login Applications: 591 Apple apps 190 3rd party apps 42 x86-only apps 5 unsigned apps App Extensions: Safari extensions: [Loaded] Grammarly for Safari - /Applications/Grammarly for [Loaded] G App Launcher Extension - /Applications/G App Plugins: [Loaded] Intents - /Applications/ Notification providers: [Loaded] ServiceExtension - /Applications/ File providers: [Loaded] OneDrive File Provider - /Applications/ Share services: [Loaded] Telegram - /Applications/ [Loaded] Translate with Documents Translator - /Applications/Documents [Loaded] Send to Kindle - /Applications/Amazon Finder sync extensions: [Loaded] OneDrive Finder Integration - /Applications/ QuickLook Previews: [Loaded] EtreCheckQuickLook - ~/Downloads/ com.etresoft.etrecheck4 *.etrecheck QuickLook Previews (legacy): CorelDRAW.CDRQuicklook - /Library/QuickLook/CorelDRAW.CDRQuicklook.qlgenerator dyn.ah62d4rv4ge80g6dy *.cpt com.corel.coreldraw.graphic.cpt *.cpt com.corel.coreldraw.graphic.cdt *.cdt com.corel.coreldraw.graphic.cdr *.cdr com.corel.coreldraw.graphic.cmx *.cmx dyn.ah62d4rv4ge80q4pqru *.fill com.corel.coreldraw.graphic.cdrt *.cdrt dyn.ah62d4rv4ge80g5p2 *.cmx *.dvdr com.corel.coreldraw.graphic.fill *.fill Audio Plug-ins: SoundTapVirtualAudioDevice: 10.0 (NCH Software - installed 2025-03-02) DeskFxVirtualAudioDevice: 6.38 (NCH Software - installed 2025-03-21) DebutVirtualAudioDevice: 1.1 (NCH Software - installed 2025-03-02) BlackHole2ch: 0.6.1 (Existential Audio Inc. - installed 2025-02-06) Backup: Auto backup: Yes Volumes being backed up: I******D: Disk size: 120.88 GB - Disk used: 100.65 GB Destinations: 6**********************p [Local] (Last used) Total size: 6.00 TB Total number of backups: 7 Oldest backup: 2025-02-27 19:30:48 Last backup: 2025-03-14 18:31:15 2 local snapshots Oldest local snapshot: 2025-03-14 18:20:18 Last local snapshot: 2025-03-21 00:40:06 Performance: System Load: 1.83 (1 min ago) 1.69 (5 min ago) 2.36 (15 min ago) Nominal I/O usage: 0.00 MB/s File system: 20.99 seconds Write speed: 730 MB/s Read speed: 2876 MB/s CPU Usage Snapshot: Type Overall System: 2 % User: 4 % Idle: 94 % Top Processes Snapshot by CPU: Process (count) CPU (Source - Location) EtreCheckPro 13.16 % (Etresoft, Inc.) WindowServer 6.06 % (Apple) Activity Monitor 2.72 % (Apple) kernel_task 1.10 % (Apple) airportd 0.90 % (Apple) Top Processes Snapshot by Memory: Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location) MTLCompilerService (16) 1.89 GB (Apple) EtreCheckPro 1.04 GB (Etresoft, Inc.) (4) 886 MB (Apple) Safari 201 MB (Apple) Finder 166 MB (Apple) Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use: Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location) mDNSResponder 70 KB / 63 KB (Apple) exchangesyncd 46 KB / 10 KB (Apple) apsd 5 KB / 45 KB (Apple) 22 KB / 13 KB (Apple) rapportd 10 KB / 10 KB (Apple) Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use: Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location) WindowServer 5 (Apple) sysmond 0 (Apple) Activity Monitor 0 (Apple) bluetoothd 0 (Apple) launchservicesd 0 (Apple) Virtual Memory Information: Physical RAM: 32 GB Free RAM: 18.30 GB Used RAM: 8.22 GB Cached files: 5.48 GB Available RAM: 23.78 GB Swap Used: 0 B Software Installs (past 60 days): Install Date Name (Version) 2025-03-02 macOS 13.7.4 (13.7.4) - Software update 2025-03-02 Safari (18.3) - Software update 2025-03-02 MRTConfigData (1.93) - Software update 2025-03-02 XProtectPayloads (149) - Software update 2025-03-02 XProtectPlistConfigData (5288) - Software update 2025-03-02 Linearity Move (1.23.0) - App Store 2025-03-02 PDF Professional (2.10.0) - App Store 2025-03-02 WhatsApp (old) (2.2437.52) - App Store 2025-03-02 Kindle Classic (1.40.3) - App Store 2025-03-02 Kindle (7.25.1) - App Store 2025-03-03 WhatsApp (25.4.75) - App Store 2025-03-03 WhatsApp (25.4.75) - App Store 2025-03-03 G App Launcher (29.6.0) - App Store 2025-03-03 Documents Translator (3.7.5) - App Store 2025-03-03 Linearity Curve (5.23.0) - App Store 2025-03-03 OneDrive (25.020.0202) - App Store 2025-03-03 Deep AI Chatbot (2.0.0) - App Store 2025-03-04 BlackHole: Audio Loopback Driver (2ch) 0.6.1 (0.6.1) - Installer 2025-03-04 Documents Translator (3.7.6) - App Store 2025-03-04 XProtectPayloads (151) - Software update 2025-03-04 XProtectPlistConfigData (5289) - Software update 2025-03-05 Canva (1.105.0) - App Store 2025-03-09 Kindle (7.27.1) - App Store 2025-03-09 AI Chat Bot (16.2) - App Store 2025-03-10 AI Chat Bot (16.2.1) - App Store 2025-03-11 Messenger (232.4) - App Store 2025-03-11 XProtectPlistConfigData (5290) - Software update 2025-03-11 Safari (18.3.1) - Software update 2025-03-14 AI Chat Bot (16.2.2) - App Store 2025-03-14 Deep AI Chatbot (4.0.0) - App Store 2025-03-14 Documents Translator (3.7.7) - App Store 2025-03-16 Telegram (11.8) - App Store 2025-03-16 Linearity Curve (5.24.0) - App Store 2025-03-16 Linearity Move (1.24.0) - App Store 2025-03-16 WhatsApp (25.6.72) - App Store 2025-03-18 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019 (21.1) - Installer 2025-03-18 com.corel.Messages (399) - Installer 2025-03-18 CUHInstall - Installer 2025-03-18 CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2019 (21.1) - Installer 2025-03-18 Deep AI Chatbot (5.0.0) - App Store 2025-03-19 PDF Reader (3.21.0) - App Store 2025-03-20 OneDrive (25.035.0223) - App Store 2025-03-20 EPSON Printer Driver (13.26) - Installer 2025-03-20 Epson Scanner ICA Driver (1.0.0) - Installer 2025-03-20 EPSON Software Updater (2.6.3) - Installer 2025-03-20 EPSON Printer Driver (12.64) - Installer 2025-03-20 Epson Customer Research Participation (2.51) - Installer Diagnostics Information (past 60 days): 2025-03-21 01:07:19 routined Crash (12 times) First occurrence: 2025-03-21 00:36:22 Executable: /usr/libexec/routined Details: libsystem_c.dylib: abort() called 2025-03-21 00:49:59 Ecrp Crash (2 times) First occurrence: 2025-03-20 13:24:08 2025-03-16 21:33:24 signpost_reporter High CPU Use Executable: /usr/libexec/signpost_reporter 2025-03-16 00:13:28 DaVinci High CPU Use (2 times) First occurrence: 2025-03-14 00:41:39 Executable: /Applications/DaVinci 2025-03-14 17:58:36 Disk High CPU Use Executable: /Applications/Disk End of report