How to Change the Login Screen Wallpaper on a Mac
How to Change the Login Screen Wallpaper on a Mac
Works for Various Versions of macOS:
If you want to change the Mac's login screen wallpaper, but not the wallpaper on the Desktop, perform this clever trick:
I. FIRST: Create the Background:
- Open: an image you want to use as your new lock screen background
- Click: [the file name] on top-left corner of image
- Click: the “V” on the right-side of the file name
- Type: lockscreen.png for “Name:”
- Select: Desktop for “Where:”
- Press: return key
II. THEN: Open Desktop Pictures in Finder:
- Click: the Desktop
- Click: Go menu in the Dock
- Click: Go to Folder…
- Type: /Library/Caches/Desktop Pictures in “Go to Folder”
- Press: return key
III. FINALLY: Set lockscreen.png as the lockscreen wallpaper
- Double-Click: each folder until lockscreen.png is found
- Drag: lockscreen.png from the Desktop to Desktop Pictures folder
- Click: Move button in the popup window (Screenshot A.)
- Click: Replace button in the popup window (Screenshot B.)
(Screenshot A.)
(Screenshot B.)