Using Finder to Manually Convert Filetypes (i.e. Converting m4a to mp3):
Using Finder to Manually Convert Filetypes:
IMPORTANT: Create a duplicate of the original file, and then modify only the duplicate file's extension.. If you don't create a duplicate, this you may not be able to open and use this file ever again in the original application it is designed for or was created in. If you want to try a filetype in another app, then you need to change the filetype, by modifying the extension. This is all done through use of Finder. Some applications require other upheavals, such as authorizing the Mac.
i.e. Converting m4a to mp3:
First, duplicate the m4a File, then modify to the duplicate file's extension to mp3. For m4a files that are from the iTunes Store, you need to modify the extension to mp3. This does not apply to home folders or old iTunes files that are already of mp3 filetype.
In Depth:
- Go to: Account menu
- Hover Over: Authorizations
- Select: Authorize This Computer
- Sign In: To your Apple Account
- Click: Authorize button
II. Download the File:
- Open: the Apple Music app or iTunes
- Locate: the purchased music from within in your Music Library
- Click: "[the down arrow]" next to the song
III. Access the File on Finder:
- Click: the Desktop
- Click: Go menu
- Select: Go to Folder...
- Use: this file address (swapping "[Username]" for your username on your computer):
~/Macintosh HD/Users/[username]/Music/Music/Media/
IV. Duplicate the File:
- Locate: the file
- Right-Click: on the file
- Select: Duplicate
V. Modify Only the Duplicated File's Extension to MP3:
- Right-Click: the m4a file
- Select: Get Info...
- Click: ">" next to Name & Extension
- Deselect: “Hide extension.”
- Click: Close button
- Right-Click: on the duplicate file
- Select: Rename
- Change: the extension from m4a to mp3
- Press: Return key on the keyboard
- Right-Click: the m4a file
- Select: Get Info...
- Click: ">" next to Name & Extension
- Select: “Hide extension.”
VI. Upload then Play the mp3 File:
- Upload: this file to the desired MP3 player (i.e. QuickTime Player)
- Play: this mp3 file