Batch Change Title to Capture Date-Description-Padded Sequential Number
The following is primarily the work product of Léonie. She provided the script which I modified to meet my specific requirements.
It's an application what will batch change the title of selected photos to the following format:
EXIF Capture Date (System's Short Date)–Description–Padded Sequential Number
The script is:
on run {input, parameters}
-- batch change the title to the input, © léonie, version 1.0.1
set n_digits to 2 -- how many digits for the appended number
set answer to display dialog "Select the number of digits for the appended numbers (0 .. 10). Selecting '0' will suppress the leading zeros." buttons {"o.k"} default answer n_digits
set n_digits_text to the (text returned of answer)
set n_digits to n_digits_text as number
tell application "Photos"
activateset counter to 1
set imageSel to (get selection) -- get selected images
if imageSel is {} then
error "Please select some images."
repeat with next_image in imageSel
-- the counter with padded numbersset ntext to the counter as text
repeat while (the length of ntext < n_digits) -- add leading zeros
set ntext to "0" & ntext
end repeat
-- retrive the dateset capture_date to (the date of next_image)
set short_capture_date_string to the short date string of capture_date
-- set capture_time_string to the time string of capture_date
set new_title to short_capture_date_string & "-" & input & "-" & ntext as text
tell next_image
set the name to new_title as text
set counter to counter + 1
end tell
end repeat
-- return new_titleend if
end tell
return input
end run
The Automator app window looks like this:
When run the first window that appears, to enter the description, is:
The next window, to set the number of digits in the sequential number, is:
This results in:
The date is expressed by the System's Short date as setup in the System/Language & Region/Advanced/Dates preference pane:
I preferred to go with the Year-Month-Day format as it sorts better in the Finder. The default in the US is Month-Day-Year.
The Script menu was activated via the Applescript Editor General preference pane
so that the app is easily available from all windows:
NOTE: for scanned images the date used will the the file creation date which the Finder users and applies to new files.
A copy of the app can be downloaded from P01 - Applescripts from Photos’ User Tips Compiled as Applications.
Again, thanks to léonie for most of the input for this app.