Export Albums to Folders - Jacques Rioux's Script
The following script by Jacques Rioux will export selected albums as folders (with the same name as the albums) to a folder on your Desktop named PHOTOS-Albums. With his permissions I'm publishing it here. It was discussed in this ASC topic: export same albums from Photos.
Open Script Editor and paste the following into its window:
set dest to "/Users/HOME/Desktop/PHOTOS-Albums/" as POSIX file as text -- the destination folder (use a valid path)
tell application "Photos"
set l to name of albums
set albNames to choose from list l with prompt "Select some albums" with multiple selections allowed
if albNames is not false then -- not cancelled
repeat with tName in albNames
set tFolder to dest & tName
my makeFolder(tFolder) -- create a folder named (the name of this album) in dest
export (get media items of album tName) to (tFolder as alias) without using originals
end repeat
end if
end tell
on makeFolder(tPath)
do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of tPath
Change "HOME" to your short login user name or what your Home folder is named. You can also change the entire location to wherever you'd like, i.e. the Documents folder or an external hard drive.
Here's how to apply the script:
1 - launch the script, in the next window select the albums you want to export and click on the OK button:
2 - on the Desktop a folder named PHOTOS-Albums will be created
and inside will be folders representing the albums you selected to export.
NOTE 1: The exported files include edited versions if edited and all metadata, i.e. keywords, titles, descriptions and locations.
NOTE 2: the script has been compiled and saved as an application which can be downloaded from this tutorial page: P01 - Applescripts from Photos’ User Tips Compiled as Applications
You will need to open the application with Script Editor and change "HOME" to your short login user name or what your Home folder is named.