We have in the house a PC wireless network and my room is out of range from it. I purchased a Time Capsule (TC) not only to back up my Mac but also to see if I could connect to the PC network using the TC as a sort of a bridge. Is this possible?
In order to use the TC as an Ethernet bridge, it would have to be configured to extend the current wireless network used by the PCs. If this network is provided by another AirPort or TC, then this can be accomplished.
Dear, thanks for your prompt reply. I apologize but I am not very good at handling this. I think that the network is windows based if this is what you are asking me...
Unfortunately, not really. Do you know if this router is an AirPort or Time Capsule? Unless it is, it won't matter as you wouldn't be able to configure your Time Capsule as a bridge if it is not.
There you go. It is not an apple...Now, while I order cable to get to my room, can you pointing me to instructions (or tell me) how to at least set up the TC for backing up my Macbook pro?
In its default configuration the Time Capsule (TC) will perform as a wireless router. You can connect your Mac either by wire or wireless to the TC, and then, configure Time Machine (TM) on your Mac to use the TC as the destination for backups.
You do this by clicking on the TM icon which is located in the top menu bar on your Mac, and then, choose "Open Time Machine preferences." From there, choose "Select Disk."