Battery - the usage and standby always the same
I run my charge down completely until it turns off, then I leave it charged past 100%, but when i start using it they are both the same.
iOS 4
iOS 4
1st. Turn off WiFi.
2nd. Turn on everything on cellular data (3G, Cellular Data, Data Roaming)
3rd. Wait until iPhone gets 3G signal, after it wait ~5mins
4th. Turn off 3G (DO NOT connect to any Wi-Fi networks before this is done), DO NOT turn off cellular data and data roaming.
5th. Turn on Wi-Fi. Connect to home Wi-Fi if available.
(please don't blame me if this does not work..(it does for me). I get this info from another people...)
This is the final solution for me! It works 100%
Thanks a lot!
Hey Meong!
1st. Turn off WiFi.
2nd. Turn on everything on cellular data (3G, Cellular Data, Data Roaming)
3rd. Wait until iPhone gets 3G signal, after it wait ~5mins
4th. Turn off 3G (DO NOT connect to any Wi-Fi networks before this is done), DO NOT turn off cellular data and data roaming.
5th. Turn on Wi-Fi. Connect to home Wi-Fi if available.
It's work with my iPhone 4.. Thanks man!
but.. can i turn on the 3G and Off the cellular data and data roaming?
tnx Lu! it works!🙂
i have the SAME THING,apple restored me a new phone yesterday and its again the SAME AFTER RESTORING TOO WHEN I DOWNLOAD APPS,please help me what to do!!!! 😟 i'm very vrey frustrated and dissapointed in Apple
Hi All,
I have the same question as vincentwong:
The fix works but would it be okay if I turn off Cellular Data and Data Roaming after I have turned on Wi-Fi?
Am afraid to be charged extra for mobile internet services. Thanks! :-)
Ok, that explains it for me......same here!!!! Thank you!!!!
About the cellular data, i think you may not turn it off. But you can enter an invalid APN, username or password so you won't get charged.
But you are free to modify data roaming.
About 3G, i haven't checked it out...
Hey guys, I was having this exact same problem with the usage and stadby times being exactly the same. Was able to find out that leaving pages open in safari was the cause of my problem. If you close all the pages before going back to the home screen it might fix the problem for you. Also found out in my research that you can close apps by double tapping the home button to pull up the multi-task bar and then holding one of the apps for a few seconds (like deleting one from the home screen) and then tapping the minus buttons on the apps to close them.
Hope this helps and best of luck to all of you who shared this problem.
i face this problem also
and i delete my mail account
after that all going be fine
2nd. Turn on everything on cellular data (3G, Cellular Data, Data Roaming)
3rd. Wait until iPhone gets 3G signal, after it wait ~5mins
4th. Turn off 3G (DO NOT connect to any Wi-Fi networks before this is done), DO NOT turn off cellular data and data roaming.
5th. Turn on Wi-Fi. Connect to home Wi-Fi if available.
Oddly, this sequence of events worked for me as well (at least for now). I was able to turn off celular data as well without the problem recurring. Before attempting this, I had done a hard reset and a network reset to no avail. It seems that this solution must work for rogue apps running in the background that search for your cellular data signal for some reason. Extremely frustrating, but thanks.
I should mention that I've had this problem before, and and hard reset and network reset did the trick, but as I said, it didn't work this time. Perhaps it was a different rogue app causing the problem that time? (I don't even have that many apps installed)
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1
Do you have a docking station where you plug youre iphone in ????
Battery - the usage and standby always the same