UPDATE: as i mentioned in my first post above, the apple store replaced the logic board over the July 4th weekend. the issues still persisted after the "fix". escalated to level 2 tech @ applecare who once again suggested i take it into the apple store.
had my appointment this morning and the "genius" found a tech bulletin requesting any laptops having this issue be replaced and returned to engineering. so obviously they know this is happening and they're trying to fix it.... and i got a new 15" MBP out of the deal - which was kind of a headache because i had installed an OWC ram kit and SSD. had to swap those out with the new machine and all was good...
... for the first few hours. then the blackouts started again!
NEW laptop, SAME monitor... the issue persists.
here's everything I've tried:
- the factory ram & hard drive
- upgraded SSD/RAM
- using *just* the display cable w/ standard apple power adapter & no usb
- display cable + usb
- display cable + power
- firmware update vs no firmware update
- 10.6.7 vs. 10.6.8 vs. Lion Gold Master
- my 24" cinema display vs. a demo cinema display @ apple store
- Dell 2407 display
- logic board replaced
- 15" MBP completely replaced...
was able to replicate the issue across ALL test cases over the past few months.