Preview opens previous documents automatically
When I open a new pdf document, I have noticed that Preview will also open the previous pdf that I had opened the last time I used Preview.
iMac 24", Mac OS X (10.6.2)
When I open a new pdf document, I have noticed that Preview will also open the previous pdf that I had opened the last time I used Preview.
iMac 24", Mac OS X (10.6.2)
This 'feature' is totally absurd in preview.
Yes, that's one of the new features (and one you can turn off, if you like).
In addition to what Pondini posted, you can get into the habit of closing windows when your finished, Save a Version or Duplicate. This will all help in not having previous files open.
System Preferences > General > Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps.
System Prefs > General.
Who at Apple thought this was a good idea?
This is the first time I have upgraded an Apple OS that I regretted it, and I have been with Apple since OS 8.
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Brian GavWhine:
I rarely restart. I usually do it to install something. When I restart I want everything back the way it was.
So, I like this feature.
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Who mentioned anything about restarting? Or you never quit and app?
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Type in terminal:
defaults write NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false
to turn this off for preview only.
Are you for real?
Thanks. I tried the Terminal solution and it works perfectly.
The next time you open Preview, make sure to close all those separate windows. Either click the red circle in the upper left or use Command-W.
Follow Mac Fanatic's instructions.
But apple pleaseeeeeeeeeeee re-engineer this horrible app!
Preview opens previous documents automatically