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iPhone 4S - Outgoing call no audio

Picked up a Verizon iPhone 4S - 32GB and on about 1 in 10 calls I get no outbound audio when dialing. Call shows the timer counting as if the call is progressing but absolutely no ring back and cannot hear the party on the other end when they answer.

Anyone else having this issue? I've found a few forums online stating people have had luck hitting the speaker button on and off to get it working again but it hasn't failed in the past 20 minutes for me to test that theory..


Posted on Oct 17, 2011 3:59 PM

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Nov 9, 2011 6:45 AM in response to TheAmdMAN

I have this last weeek bought 2 iPhone 4S(one of them i will give to a friend as a gift),one direct from Apple and one from Humac shop in Oslo. In both iPhones there are audiobugs..after some minutes there is a disturbing noice sound,and ecco of the voice from the person i´m talking to. This appairs on all calls.

Also when i make a call there often is silence,i can hear nothing when the call gets active.

These bugs are completely identical on both my 2 new iPhone 4S !

Anyone who have a solution for these bugs?

I hope this are softwarebugs which Apple do repair on an softwareupdate soon!


Nov 9, 2011 8:40 AM in response to TheAmdMAN

Same Problem over here :-(

Its a 64GB Austrian A1 Iphone 4s.

I think I'll wait for the 5.0.1 firmware release. Now turned off Siri and will look if problem still exists. Not fully convinced it's an hardware bug, since it does work sometimes, and works every time the external speaker is turned on/off, otherwise the other postings confused me a little.

Anyway, 5.0.1 will show up soon (hopefully) and if it will not fix it, i will go for an exchange..


Nov 9, 2011 9:15 AM in response to alexanderfromteesdorf

Just noticed after intensive testing, that if the problem shows up, I hear nothing from the tel line, but I hear my own voice in the 'earspeaker'. So the speaker is not defektive, the telephone 'signal' is not sent to the speaker and that makes me beleave that it is a software problem again ;-)


Nov 9, 2011 9:45 AM in response to alexanderfromteesdorf

Alexander --

From personal experience, I can tell you that nearly everyone on this thread who went through a phone exchange, at one point or another, came to the same conclusions as you - hoping that it might be software.

However, there are a number of things at play here - the speaker in the handset, the speakerphone, the proximity sensor, the ambient noise sensor - ALONG with the software. Those of us with replacement phones that have had success, have the same software (at least in regards to iOS5) as you and everyone else. If it were only software, then those who replaced their phones should never have success. Nor should those who have never had a problem, be without problems. The iOS has not been updated yet except to developers, so we are all on the same page in regards to software - the only variance is hardware and service provide - and the broad conclusion is that it is a problem that is independant of cell carrier.

I'm only trying to tell you that we all 'hoped' it would just be a software fix. But in the end, it does indeed appear to be a hardware issue. I have not seen a report yet that a restore, an update or some other software fix has resolved the problem (including some who have reported on this thread who are developers that have access to iOS 5.0.2.)

There is always the possibility that there is some problem with the hardware that MIGHT be fixed by making alterations to the software. But keep in mind - Apple has yet to acknowledge this problem in any way - and the only people who have found relief from the problem are those who exchanged and were lucky enough to get a functioning phone in the process (myself being one of those.)

Time is running out for those who purchased on launch day. But I can tell you that since my replacement arrived last Friday, I, like a few others, have been 'abusing' the phone - making one call after another. making long phone calls, using Siri then making a call, using bluetooth, using the speakerphone, using earphones, switching between bluetooth, speaker and handset - and I have yet to make the phone repeat the problem that I originally had - going on 6 days of use now.

I'm sorry, but if this were strictly software, this problem would be showing up on a majority of phones. As it is, while there have been a large number of us - compared to the however many millions they've sold, we are still in the minority. As I said, the problem MIGHT be fixed by software - but do you want to take the chance? My advice is get a new phone. Replace until you receive one that functions. Otherwise you're rolling the dice.

Hey, MichaelB, just a quick shout out to say great work on attracting attention to the problem. I wrote several of the blogs myself, but I think your stubborn persistance caused several of the postings we've seen. My belief at this point is that Apple is certainly aware, but their standard policy is to remain mute until they have a solution - and with this problem being so intermittant, I would bet they are having a hard time nailing down exactly where the failure is. Or, if they know what it is, they are trying to find a way to remedy with software to avoid a 'recall' of defective phones. OR, they are just going to quietly continue to replace the phones of those who take the initiative to complain and hope the problem clears up. Given the fact that this thread (and I'm sure it's not the only one) continues to grow, almost by the hour now, it's unlikely to just disappear. We will see. Fortunately for me, my problem is resolved, at least up to now. Good luck to the rest of you that are still figuring this out. I will keep an eye here and certainly report back if another problem arrises, but at this point, replacement was a complete fix for my issue and it appears to be the only remedy so far. -- Ted


Nov 9, 2011 10:33 AM in response to Ted Pruitt

Sames issues as all on my wife's new 16GB 4s - AT&T Phone. Purchased at an Apple store 10 days ago. Returned to the Genius Bar in the store yesterday and the phone was promply replaced.....no questions asked. I just described the problem to the Associate and he said "He believed me." and replaced it.

I asked if they had heard or seen this issue in the past, and he claimed, "Nope.....this is the first I've heard of it."

So far, 24 hours.....the issue has yet to be replicated. I vote for hardware defect over software!


Nov 9, 2011 10:41 AM in response to TheAmdMAN

i also have spent much time with apple support in the last 4 days. They had me reset my network, next day had me go to ATT store and get new SIM card. Yesterday had me do a complete wipe and restore. Today when I spoke to them I asked for a new phone.

It was never indicated that there is an issue, more like I have a one bad phone out of millions. Of course I know different from researching it.

have to make 80% of calls twice for them to go through. A couple of times got very weird ring and then an echo. The one thing that made me upset though was being told I was not in the 30 day window for return. I have my signed receipt from UPS noting the day and time of getting the phone. They are counting the day I put in the order. How can they do that? The phone was in Hong Kong not in Texas the day they said I had it.

Never had any problems with my 4, and the thought of getting my phone and my apps and my setup just right again in a pain in the butt! But not once did Apple indicate it was a documented issue


Nov 9, 2011 10:44 AM in response to Ted Pruitt

On one iPhone 4s, it appears that I had a problem go away without exchange or setting up as new phone.

Bad behavior: The phone,when calling out, would not have any sound in the speaker and the other end could not hear them though the call timer merrily kept going. This would happen 1 in 10 times but more often at one location.

What I did: I took a pair of the standard Apple earphones/mic that came with it and I jammmed it into and roughly pulled it out of the earphone jack about a dozen times in rapid session. I turned Suri raise to talk off. I then did a reboot (hold on/off button and home button until the apple appears).

From that point on I have not been able to recreate the bad behavior in about 12 days though we have attempted. No idea why it is working and can not say it will be so for anybody else.


Nov 9, 2011 11:05 AM in response to Ted Pruitt

Thanks for your detailed reply Ted!

I think you are right! After reading your post I remembered that we have a developer account we never used.

I just updated my iphone to 5.0.1 beta 2 and I was able to reproduce the problem, so the firmwareupdate did not change anything in this problem. I also think it might be hardware related, and if not, Apple has done nothing about it in 5.0.1 and I'm not willing to wait any longer with this annoing problem.

So even if it is a software problem I'm afraid it will not be fixed with the next firmware release! I will contact support tomorrow for an exchange and hope I will get a well working device at my exchange.



Nov 9, 2011 11:59 AM in response to TheAmdMAN

I have 4s 16gb from At&t. I've been having the same issue, and it's ok after I switched to speaker and back. I'm not sure if siri is the cause, but it often happens to me after I finish talking on the phone, hang up and immedeately make another phone call.


Nov 9, 2011 12:24 PM in response to michaelb1234

Hey Michael - if they boot you, I've already got you followed on Twitter... I'll keep you posted 🙂

I noticed they didn't like you posting out-links to the posts on the problems (as having more links leads to more spiders picking up on the feeds and the ranking goes up in Google, which I'm sure is something they don't want...but AnnnnyWay....) but let's "stay on topic" and "help people use Apple technologies more efficiently"

Without speculating - I think we have helped a lot of people (myself included) if nothing else a.) as a sounding board for their problems and frustrations on this particular issue; b.) as a way of narrowing down the cause and solution; and c.) as notice to Apple Tech about where to look for a resolution.

There are a LOT more things that could be speculated on in regards to Apple's motives, but that's neither here nor there. The simple fact is, in regards to THIS PARTICULAR PROBLEM (emphasis added, because I've seen several other problems offered up on this thread other than the original problem, which for the record is - you make a phone call, you never hear a ring, you never hear the other party answer, however, the counter begins to count up as if you're connected and if you hold the phone to your ear and speak, you can hear your voice being routed back to the handset earphone; more often than not, the receiving party reports hearing you even though you don't hear them.) if you are waiting for a software/firmware fix, you are likely wasting precious time to get your replacement phone (as confirmed by several users on this post who have already been denied a replacement due to being outside the 30 day window.)

I don't think it can be said any other way - if you're experiencing the problem listed above, then either contact AppleCare or go to a Genius Bar and get a replacement. It's the only way that has been demonstrated, up to this point, to resolve THIS problem. Again, I emphasize because I've seen the posts about a fix involving the jamming in and out of headphone connectors into the headphone jack (which I also find ridiculous) - this is NOT the problem I'm talking about. It's not that the handset speaker isn't working, it's that the sound is not routing properly.

Continued Good Luck on this -- Ted


Nov 9, 2011 12:58 PM in response to Ted Pruitt

"you make a phone call, you never hear a ring, you never hear the other party answer, however, the counter begins to count up as if you're connected and if you hold the phone to your ear and speak, you can hear your voice being routed back to the handset earphone; more often than not, the receiving party reports hearing you even though you don't hear them"...

THIS IS EXACTLY what I am dealing with.. bought the phone on the day of the launch.. thought it was my provider and finally figured it out today that it is the phone.

My question... using previous threads... and your personal thoughts... what are the chances I get a new phone with the same issue? I have a genius bar meeting tomorrow at 3pm... cant wait to get this figured out!!!


Nov 9, 2011 1:09 PM in response to michaelb1234

michaelb1234 wrote:

Macrumors is reporting that "iPhone 4S Incorporates Revamped IR Sensor for Siri's 'Raise to Speak' Feature" http://www.macrumors.com/2011/11/09/iphone-4s-incorporates-revamped-ir-sensor-fo r-siris-raise-to-speak-feature/ could this possibly be the cause?

Excellent theory Michael, if that thing is mistriggering or possibly routing the audio to Siri when it SHOULD be routing it for a phone call - hmmm... possibility for sure. I couldn't tell you if the raise to speak even was working on my 'bad' iPhone because I honestly never used it. Just checked on the new one and it works great - even made an outgoing call -- JUST to be sure..


iPhone 4S - Outgoing call no audio

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