verifying backup - stuck twice in 6 weeks
For the 2nd time in 6 weeks my dual core MacBook (10.6.x) fan was racing and activity monitor showed fsck_hfs was running. Again [1] Time Capsule was stuck trying "Verifying Backup" over WiFi. Even when I connected via ethernet backup would not verify. I had to delete the sparseimage and start again.
Once is chance, twice is enemy action. Something is wrong. My other machines are doing better, but even my new iMac complained that it could not connect to the backup drive last night.
Both the MacBook and the 500GB Time Capsule are at least middle-aged. Either could be failing. Console isn't showing anything suspicious on the MacBook and TechTool Pro passed it last time. The only diagnostic information I find on the Time Capsule is that the disk START status is verified.
I've set syslog to 7 [1]. I've also stopped backing up my Fusion VM image.
Anything else I can do to sort out what the new failures might be from?
i5 iMac 27, iPhone OS 3.1.2, MacBook Core-2 Duo, G5 iMac, G3 iBook, Mac mini