apps stuck in waiting mode
tried to update words with friends and a couple other apps and now they are stuck in "waiting" mode. Also cant delete them
iPhone 4
tried to update words with friends and a couple other apps and now they are stuck in "waiting" mode. Also cant delete them
iPhone 4
Same problem. After I updated to OS5.
Please help.
I had the same problem. I tapped on the X to delete the app and tapped Confirm. Then I hard reset the phone (hold down home and on/off buttons until phone restarts and Apple logo appears). Then the app I tried to delete started working.
I have resolved using :
reset all setting on ipad menu
After reset iPad waiting problem has been resolved
Best Regards
Resetting all settings worked for me none of the other methods did. Thank Ov3RFLO!
Turn off iTunes match solve the problem.
35 cent wrote:
Resetting all settings worked for me none of the other methods did. Thank Ov3RFLO!
This process did nothing other than cause more aggravation.
The ONLY thing that worked for me was:
Touch "iTunes" app -> touch "More" (in bottom, right hand corner) -> touch "Downloads" -> then clear/delete any pending/stuck downloads (in my case a stuck Podcast).
Everything began downloading/installing on its own.
Hope this helps!
None of this has worked for me. Tried downloading something new and that worked fine. Any other thoughts? It wasn't even a new app or and update. I have several apps that always seem to reinstall (all the iLife and iWork apps included) and get an occasional "can not install hanging and 15 other apps" out of the blue. Thoughts?
😀 This helped for me. Thanks for the advise. Stuck Podcast also.
I get the problem after some iTunes USB syncs. I've started syncing repeatedly until no apps sync any more in order to avoid the issue.
apps stuck in waiting mode