Crash on Update to Thunderbolt 1.2, need to reinstall Lion and failures!
Yesterday, after the WWDC'12, Apple released many software updates, including Thunderbolt Software Update 1.2.
When I tried to update it, I got a error, a failure that Software Update could not find this update to download it. So I close it and tried again. In this second time, it "worked".
So, after it, my Macbook Pro (2011) restarted and then I could not login on my Administrator account anymore! I put my password and it was stuck loading for a long time, without going forward. (PS: Guest account worked fine).
After several reboots, I tried cmd+R, used the Lion Recovery and reinstalled Lion over the old Lion.
It didn't work.
So I went to cmd+R again, and tried scan the disk (no errors found) and repair the permissions.
My MBP rebooted again and, when I put my password to my Administrator acc, I got a Kernel Panic! And this also repeated every time I rebooted my Mac.
So, I decided to erase my Macintosh HD and install a clean Lion. The installation went fine (so it seems, because I left it over night), but when I woke up this morning, my Mac was stuck again, in this screen:
Now, what did I do? I don't have any other ideas...
Not sure if relevant, but yesterday I also deleted my non admin account (which it was that I used as primarily), because it was a little slow and I decided to erase it. But I think I couldn't mess up things because, for delete it, I was logged into my admin account and used System Prefs > Users & Groups (or something like that... my SO is not in English)
PS: English is not my native language, so forgive for any mistakes I could have made.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)