Cannot Connect to Google Calendar in Mail, Contacts & Calendars preferences
I recently obtained a new Mac and am playing with Mountain Lion for the first time. I'm trying to add my Google Apps (custom domain, not account to the Mail, Contacts & Calendars control panel. I was able to add Mail, Messages, and Notes without any issues, but it's refusing to connect to Calendars & Reminders. When I attempting connecting, it gives me an error...
A secure connection couldn't be established.
Click “Continue” to continue creating the account. You can edit the account later in Calendar preferences if necessary.
So I click "Continue" to... well, continue. Eventually, I've given this error:
There was a problem setting up the account.
Calendar couldn't discover the account settings for the CalDAV server “”.
Just out of curiousity, I went into the Calendar app to directly add my Google account. Doing so also gives me an error:
Server with Secure Communication Unavailable
Your calendar account isn't on a server that can receive your calendar securely.
If a server isn't secure, others may be able to view your calendar information. To continue searching for your account on servers that may not be secure, and then set up the account if it's found, click Continue.
So I go ahead and click Continue. After waiting some more, I finally get the error...
No CalDAV servers were found for "".
This message appears on the Account Settings sheet where you can add a CalDAV account. If I manually type in the Server Address here (, Calendar claims it still cannot connect to a secure connection. This time, clicking Continue does add the account. (I'm assuming through a non-secure conncetion.) If I try to edit the Account Settings, it takes me to the Mail, Contacts, and Calendars control panel where Calendars & Reminders for my Google account is now selected.
I can only assume this is a weird bug with Mountain Lion, but needless to say, this is far from the "it just works" mentality I've been use to.
This was not an issue with iCal on Snow Leopard, which is what I'm coming from.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), OS X Mountain Lion