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Anyone still having IOS 6 wifi issues?

I'm currently waiting on Apple support to call me back about this issue, but I thought I would reach out here to see if anyone else is having similar issues.

I upgraded to IOS 6 yesterday afternoon, and immediately after I could no longer connect to the Wifi at my place of employment. Everyone had this issue, no big deal.

Went home, Wifi worked fine.

Came into work this morning and I am still unable to connect. I have tried all of the various recommended fixes, and even gone so far as to do a complete restore. I work at a university with multiple networks and access points and have tried connecting to several, both secure and unsecure, with no luck.

This is what happens:

Unsecure Networks: Attempt to connect, wheel spins, Error Message: "Unable to Connect"

Secure Network: Attempt to connect, prompted for password, enter password, Error Message: "Incorrect Password" (Yes I entered the correct password, I tried multiple times, and the IT tech was able to connect to it with his iPad 2 running IOS 5)

I am also not the only one, everyone on campus who has upgraded their iPad 3 to IOS 6 is unable to connect. (All staff/factulty have iPads, most have upgraded)

I have spoken with the IT department and they are baffled, they have tried rebooting various routers and access points to no avail.

Obviously there is something different happening in IOS 6 that is causing these issues. My question is has anyone else encoutered this issue, and if so what have you done to fix it?

I have seen people above who have upgraded firmware on their personal wireless routers with success, but for a university with literally hundress of access points and routers this is out of the question, at least in the short term.

iPad (3rd gen) Wi-Fi, iOS 6

Posted on Sep 20, 2012 9:39 AM

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Nov 20, 2012 2:10 PM in response to clemon85

Hi all

I had the issue after upgrading to iOS 6 with my wireless network. I was able to connect to wi-fi network but had no internet access.

For me only this solution works, but it works great I'm using it since already 2 weeks without an issue.

Try it quick and free ;-)



Nov 20, 2012 3:09 PM in response to Creomaracarc

I'm the operator of the proxy server located in germany. I'm not collecting any private data. I made this service for some of my wi-fi-network customers with iOS 6 issues, they're using it successfully. I respect your privacy and will publish a privacy police soon.



Nov 20, 2012 10:47 PM in response to clemon85

Same issue with my iPad mini. Upgraded to iOS 6.0.1 and now it won't connect to most networks, even those that don't require a password. I've tried all od the recommended solutions and nothing has worked. Any one know if the iPad mini wil have any problem with iOS 5?

Let's get it together Apple.


Nov 21, 2012 1:07 AM in response to clemon85

I was in the Sydney Apple store last Friday on an unrelated mission. I mentioned that I was having wifi issues on my iPad 2 and got into the Genius Bar soon after.

Long story short- they tested my iPad and commented they could see it had been having various issues that seemed connection related. They then offered to replace it (iPad 2) which I accepted. The new iPad is running IOS 5.1.1 - Brilliant! Very happy.

No wifi issues anymore. Connects everywhere again.

I will be staying on 5.1.1 until I am confident 6.? is safe.

iPhone 4s is still being cold started every morning to avoid the issue. Working successfully for now.


Nov 21, 2012 3:47 AM in response to clemon85

Im going mad with this ongoing wifi issue.

All I know is that once i upgraded to ios 6 i could no longer connect my 64gb iphone 4s to the wifi service at my place of employment. The ios 6.1 didnt help and after trying all the so called fixes on here im still eating away at my contract data allowance. my once solid faith in the Apple brand and ethos has rapidly diminished into anger and dissappointment.

Someone please help me before i throw this very expensive phone at an apple shop window.


Nov 21, 2012 7:50 AM in response to T buddy

this is what i have been doing...at work i get terrible coverage so the phone is in airplane mode running off wifi...with every other ios, notifications would still push through, on 6.01 i have to restart the phone every day i come to work to make the wifi push notifications through while on work wifi.

this is what i have noticed...when its working properly the wifi bars in the left hand corner of the screen pop up almost instantly when turning on the lock screen.

when its not doing it right its taking about 3-4 seconds for the wifi bars to pop up...that is when nothing gets pushed to the phone until i unlock it, then you get blasted with any number of imessages, emails etc...thats when i know i need to restart the phone and hope it works for the rest of the day.

wifi at home is another matter alltogether...cant for the life of me figure that one out...its not as big of deal at home since i get better reception, but its still not right or at least how it was before ios 6.

i have tried all the "fixes" update from itunes, reset, forget networks, enter other wifi, and the only thing that seems to be working at the work wifi is a phone power cycle at the start of every work day...LAME, apple!


Nov 22, 2012 12:04 PM in response to retaliator

This is getting so ridiculous.

I've spent so many hours on those wifi issues.

I have two ipads 3. One got updated to iOS6 and stopped connecting to my home wifi network.

I got an ipod touch 5th gen, pre-installed with iOS6, and this one too can't connect to my home wifi network.

I have no issue connecting with my older ipod touch, my iOS5 ipad3, and about a dozen other devices (psp, DS, laptops, etc).

I updated to 6.0.1, it didn't help.

Note that I'm able to connect to some wifi networks (like at work), but couldn't figure what was the difference. And regardless, any device should connect to any wifi network that's reasonably setup.

My home wifi router was a NetGear, I've tried different settings (WPA, WEP), nothing made a difference.

I even replaced my NetGear with a D-Link... same issue.

It would take an hour to a software engineer within Apple to debug and fix this issue (compare the network stack on iOS6 and iOS5)... but, no, it's been going on for weeks now. What the **** are those guys doing?!

Has Apple somehow decided that WIFI is an evil technology (ala Flash) that needs to be eradicated?

Keep at it Apple, and it's the last time I buy your overpriced rubbish hardware/software.


Nov 22, 2012 12:38 PM in response to clemon85

I am having this same issue. Several iPads and iPhones work just fine but my ipad3 won't go on the Cisco e1000 router. Tries resetting network settings, the router etc. one interesting thing is if I take off the router password it works. Clearly an apple bug.


Nov 22, 2012 4:13 PM in response to clemon85

I have a Verizon 32GB iPhone 5 and I have a Netgear WNDR3700v2 router with the dual band modes. It works fine on 2.4Ghz but when I try to enable 5Ghz WITH a WPA2 password, it will not connect. If I remove the password from the 5Ghz connection it will connect fine. It's some type of weird bug I'm sure of it. I'm running 6.0.1. too.


Nov 23, 2012 6:46 AM in response to Flyboeing

My experience was nothing major compared to other people. Since updating last week, I had to connect from settings every time I turned on my iPad with no other problems after that.

However, as I'm not technically minded, I didn't want to interfere with any settings in case I ended up with a worse problem.

I tried your suggestion of tapping the blue arrow next to my network provider, turned auto on and that solved my problem. I didn't have to type any IP address or anything else. Now my wifi is there when I turn on my iPad.

This probably won't work for everyone but it did for me, so thank you very much.


Nov 23, 2012 8:06 AM in response to clemon85

My 3rd generation iPad still is unable to connect to several WiFi networks after iOS 6.0.1 upgrade (as a bunch of other A5 devices). Research and on the internet has been unsuccesful, only to realize that I'm not alone on this matter.

Dear Apple:

Since I'm a computer engineer, I can UNDERSTAND that you have a faulty release of the iOS with v6.0.x, however it's absolutely UNNACEPTABLE that you:

1.- Fail to acknowledge the problem with an official statement. That would have save me hours researching on the net, changing settings on my WiFi routers and trying all kind of voodo on the iPad.

2.- Refuse for all means to sign the downgrade to iOS 5.1.1, which was working perfectly fine and will solve the issue while you came out with a permanent solution. After all, it's MY iPad, and as a user and owner I DEMAND to be able to change the version of the system on MY device at will.


Anyone still having IOS 6 wifi issues?

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