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iPhone 5 bad call voice quality

Got the new iPhone 5 and have bad phone call quality. The recipient of the call seems to be able to hear me ok, but their voice either isn't there or drops out or sounds grainy like when you have bad cell reception. Many times, the calls have just not connected. I know that that my cell reception and the recipients cell reception were excellent. This has occured when calling other cell phones, land lines, and toll free numbers. Anyone else having this issue? Have an appointment at Apple tomorrow morning to see what they think.

iPhone 5, iOS 6

Posted on Sep 24, 2012 4:54 PM

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Nov 30, 2012 6:23 AM in response to joos8123


In one of my previous posts I mentioned:

I found also a lot of problems with SIRI on the internet, speaking with robotic voices, to solve this activate the compact voice option under voice over http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3577

So I activated the compact voice options (NOT the voice over option, only compact voice)

Maybe it is a combination of the compact voice and the hearing aid, worth to try, on my phone they are both activated


Nov 30, 2012 6:46 AM in response to joos8123

@ frankieviolet

That was also my first thought but now that I acitvated the voice hearing everything sound very loud and clearly.

Like I said on my previous post, it is only for 2 days now so I'm waiting min 3 more to be sure.

I really hope that Apple finds a solution with the release of IOS6.1

For me it is also alone at home that I had problems and not at other locations, so very weird, maybe it has to do with the provider (Belgium BASE, KPN group) and the sattelite that I'm connecting with when I'm home.

Nobody knows and if I ask BASE they tell me that it is a problem for Apple and not for them.

If the problem comes back in a few days I'm thinking to move from BASE to another provider...


Nov 30, 2012 7:30 AM in response to joos8123

I’m having the same problem many describe here – when on a phone call on iPhone 5, the sound from the distant party cuts in and out, drops entire words and phrases, the beginning and end of utterances, and background and ambient sound from the distant party. I can hear everything on iPhone 4, but much of the sound is dropped by iPhone 5.

I’ve found a way to reliably reproduce the problem, perhaps useful for showing Apple the problem we’re having. Use Apple’s headset. Call from a very quiet location. Place a call to a call center’s greeting recording, ideally one that’s long and recorded at a varying volume, not too loud. I used Hertz On Demand here in the U.S. Set the volume to the lowest setting (important). Turn on mute. On my iPhone 5, the sound cuts in and out on 100% of the calls on every iPhone 5 I’ve tried, whereas everything is clear (though quiet) on my iPhone 4. The Genius bar had the same experience with their iPhone 5.

I think the guy at this link has the best graphic demonstration of the problem: http://www.iphone5callquality.com/measurements/. You can clearly see what the phone is doing – it is discarding quiet signals. Unforunately, that includes entire words and phrases, especially if you've got the volume set low. I want to hear everything, don’t you?


Nov 30, 2012 8:54 AM in response to joos8123

So I posted on this thread on Monday of this week. On Wednesday, I made an appointment and went to the see the Genius. He hit the phone with the high compressed air can to the mics and speakers and then took my Iphone5 to the back of the store and replaced the ear speaker....Well, I took the phone home and on the way home took a call from a work colleague who is on Iphone3GS - results...same problem...nothing fixed.

Now, I have 3 days before my 14 day period ends with ATT and if not I am stuck with this 5" tiny tablet...


Nov 30, 2012 1:39 PM in response to joos8123

Last week I went to pick up my iPhone 5. Mobistar called that the phone was fixed.

When I went to the Mobistar store they gave me a new one, that was a nice surprise.

I have reinstalled the new iPhone like my old one true iTunes and after a week and several calls, the problem is gone.

The call quality is great, I can realy understand the person that is calling me.

I hope this stays like this and want to advice, to you all that experience the problem of bad call quality to change your iPhones.


Nov 30, 2012 2:30 PM in response to joos8123

I'll chime in here - my issue is feedback. The call usually starts strong but will start to have feedback of my voice and the caller doesn't hear every word. This happens every way, using the phone normally, using the apple earpods, using my jawbone bluetooth, or the speaker. I have a tpc cover on it, took it off, still get feedback.


Dec 1, 2012 11:47 AM in response to joos8123


Problem is back :-( after 3 days

I think that I'm going to switch from provider, I have the problem only at home, never at other places, using the iphone5 now for more than 1 month and really only problems at home.

So my next step is changing from BASE to ???? (I think Telenet) and see if this problem is also with another provider.

If still with other provider it is the same problem I will again call Apple and ask to switch to a new one...

On the internet I found a week or 3 ago a site with same problem in the Netherlands, all problems with KPN GROUP which BASE is in Belgium and if they switched to another provider problem was gone.

They even did test with 5 phones: sim card of KPN all bad quality, same phones with Sim card other provider = All excellent quality.

So I think it is worht trying another provider, I think it has to do with HD voice and that I'm connecting at my place with an older satellite that cannot deal with HD voice.

Keep you posted all...


Dec 2, 2012 2:45 AM in response to joos8123

I reported bad voice quality with the operator "Three / 3 Austria" and read on the internet that people reporting the same with "Three UK".

It's now my second iPhone and it changed nothing on the voice quality issue. I did everything.

Though i have to say i don't regard to the bumping voice issue which is explain very well by the swedish guy and seems to be just software problem (triggers need to be adjusted). I have a sound like "sand is boucing" on the speaker.

As my iPhones (i have two now, the last one was sent back, i re-ordered and also bought one for my mum) are netlock free i dried other operators and in Austria with every other operator the voice quality is superb. On the lowest volume it's such a little bit too loud for me though the voices are clear, absolutely clear and no distortion or whatever.

So if people not regarding to the bumping voice/volume issue i'll highly suggest trying an other operator. What also will do the trick:

If you're not in an LTE covered area and can turn off 3G - so only GSM Voice Codecs will be used - your voice quality schould improve massively!



iPhone 5 bad call voice quality

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