IPhone 5 iOS 6.0.2 battery fix (unofficial.. I think I got it)
I bought the iPhone 5 last week , love the phone .. Battery life was great , didn't use it much though . Never even thought battery life an issue . Updated it to 6.0.2. Immediately noticed decreased battery life. Not what some people claim on this forum of phone dying in 2 hrs (these people probably have a hardware issue or are against apple no matter what ) but my new decreased battery life was more like 6-8 hrs occasional use or more like a shift at work and I need a charge. So I took phone back to place of purchase (only 3 days old) . Got a new one. DID NOT update to 6.0.2 this time. Again battery life was great. About 2 days later , I noticed severe drain , this on 6.0.1. THIS LEADS ME TO BELEIVE IT IS NOT 6.0.2 but the issue resides in 6.0.1. Went online ... Researched the issue . Read forums , posts .. Everything. I also recall terrible battery life on my old 4s as well after going to 6.0.1 . That's the reason why I upgraded to the 5. To get better battery life. But this is not the case.
So after doing absolutely everything ie. reset , reboot, DFU reset , wipe device , restore.. Turned apps off, settings off , location settings etc etc etc. I still had no luck .
My guess is that it's a COMBO of factors when in place TOGETHER and only when TOGETHER trigger the draining battery cascade. That's why its so hard to identify. Once the phone goes into drain mode .. It takes a lot of resets , wipes settings turned on then off.. Ie to catch it and shut it down but when factors come together again.. Battery drainage resumes.. COULD be an app TOGEThER with an setting in the phone... Could be how the phone is used... Ie. iCloud + something else.. The way you charge with certain apps running.. The way you close apps.. Etc. THiS IS WHY SOME PEOPLE HAVE THE ISSUE AND SOME DON'T. ,,!
So not being an apple engineer (none of us are..!) we could only hope to guess or try out different things to figure it out ....
I spent hours( days ) trying different stuff and I feel I might have nailed the magic setting/(s)
Please this is exactily what I did.. .. If it doesn't work, well than 6.1 might be the only help. THIS Worked for me !! In no way I claim what exactly fixes it only this is what I did and all together " exactly " what stopped battery drain. If this helped you like it helped me you could start using your phone the way you want. The way it should be.
Here are my settings:
Wifi :ON
Limit ad tracking : On ( default is off !!)
Diagnostics & Usage : don't send
Battery percentage : ON
cellular data :ON
LTE: on
Use cellular data for iTunes :OFF
" "" Passbook updates: OFF
"". " Reading list: OFF
Spotlight search: everything OFF
Date& time : set automatically : ON
Auto brightness : ON
Location services: ON (only google maps & find my iPhone) :ON
On bottom of screen.... System services : EVERYTHING ON!!
iCloud for contacts/ calendars/ reminders / find my iPhone : ON (everything else ... OFF)
iCloud backup :ON
Mail contacts &calanders : PUSH : OFF
:Fetch : HOURLY
ON ADVANCED SCREEN: all set to manual !
IMessage : ON
FaceTime :OFF
Safari : reading list Use cellular data : OFF
iTunes and app stores : everything OFF
Music iTunes match :OFF
Photo stream : OFF
Podcasts : sync subscriptions (I have mine on ON .. Use cellular data :OFF
You could experiment ie. by turning mail to push etc... But these are the settings that worked for me. I don't know which one or which COMBO did it .. All I can say is I'm using my phone nicely now. I spent a lot of time on this trying so many combos so if it worked for You feel free to reply back positively or shoot me a PayPal or something:-) couple bucks won't hurt !!!
iPhone 5, iOS 6.0.1