I do not want to sync apps in iTunes11
I thought that there was a "sync apps" box I could check/uncheck in iTunes 10, in the "Apps" tab under "Devices". Now that box seems to be gone. This is very inconvenient.
1. I have several iDevices and I do not want all aps on all devices. That was working fine before. There was no interaction between apps on iDevice and apps in iTunes on computer. Now iTunes11 wants to either put or remove apps from my iPhone depending on what the tab next to the app says. For example, if the tab says "install", it will install it on my iPhone. Maybe Apple's thinking was to only install the app if I hit the tab and explicitly turn "instal" into "will install", but it certainly doesn't work that way. I got lots of aps on my iPhone that never made it there after a Tunes10 syncs.
I have all apps I ever bought on my computer just in case iCloud dies, but I do not want to sync them to my iDevices. Just like in iTines 10.
2. It's a big waste of time to wait for apps to sync when my goal is only to sync smart playlists from the computer to the iPhone. I can easly skip the backup for example as backup is stage 1, but syncing music and apps are part of stage 7, so it is either both or none.
Q. Is there a way NOT to sync apps?
Thanks in advance
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2), 2.6 GHz Core i7, 8GB RAM