iTunes 11.1: a podcast downloads; I don't want to listen to it and delete it; it downloads again. Help me break the cycle!
My routine for years: download all new episodes of all the podcasts I subscribe to (a pretty big list!). I then delete the new episodes that don't particularly interest me. But now, with iTunes 11.1, any podcast episodes that I delete will download again - and if I delete them, they download again. And so on. I don't mean they're just appearing in the list with the little cloud icon: I mean they're moving on to my computer. (Note that this only seems to be happening with podcast episodes that have been added since the update to 11.1 - thank goodness it's not happening to all of them!)
Probably related: if I want to keep a podcast episode, I've always just changed the tags to "Audiobook" or "Music", so I can get it out of the Podcast panes. But now, if I do that, the episode downloads again (despite the retagged version existing elsewhere in iTunes), and I delete it again, and back into that loop.
What seems to fix this: I can mark the redundantly downloaded episode as played, and then delete. This requires a lot of clicks with my current workflow: mark as played in the "Unplayed" list, at which point they of course disappear from the list; then find the episodes somewhere else (no longer easy with the obnoxious "Show us EVERYTHING!" podcast list view), and erase them once again. If need be, I guess I could set up a smart playlist to make this easier, but this looks like a pretty obnoxious kludge for something that used to be quite straightforward.
But am I missing something? How can I easily delete a podcast episode that I don't want, without it redownloading again later? For episodes that I want to retag and keep, is there a way to stop them from redownloading?
EDIT: Oops. No, I was wrong. If I mark it as played, and then delete it, the episode STILL comes back. It downloads yet again. What on earth am I doing wrong?!
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), Late 2009