problem sending iMessages on AT & T and ios 7, anyone else having the issue
I am having a problem with my messages in iMessages never sending and the only way to send them is as text messages. Is anyone else having the issue?
iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.2
I am having a problem with my messages in iMessages never sending and the only way to send them is as text messages. Is anyone else having the issue?
iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.2
Nope. No problems for my wife and I, or anyone else I know.
Yes. I am having the exact same problem. I have AT&T and an iPhone 5.
I have the same problem it recognizes some imessages and some it doesn't others it only started after I updated...
I have the 4s with Sprint and hubby and I are having the same issue......
Yes, I'm having this problem and with AT&T. Does anybody have a fix yet?
All 4 iPhone users on my account are having the same issue (3 iPhone 5's and 1 4s). We have turned off our iMessage for the time being. It all started after the ios 7.0.2 update. I hope it is fixed soon!
I am also having this issue. I have Verizon though. iPhone 5 with 7.0.2
I have Sprint and I have done the latest update that was supposed to fix this but I'm still having the same problem.
I am having issues sending messages also. I have a 4S updated to iOS 7.0.3 with AT&T service, and send messages to other family members who have iphone 4S, 5, and 5S. My messages will not send, even as text, until I restart my phone. Then they send normal for about an hour, then the messages get stuck "Sending...." and I have to restart the phone again. If I don't restart the phone, I get "Message failed to send" notification. Very annoying. I thought that iOS 7.0.3 was supposed to fix the messaging problems, but it looks like there are still issues.
I will note that I have not had this issue since the 7.0.3 upgrade. I was having the problem prior to the update and am no longer having the problem now.
problem sending iMessages on AT & T and ios 7, anyone else having the issue