Mavericks Cover flow in Finder gets lost
This is a repost from "Lion" category. Fits better here.
"have upgraded to Mavericks, and I am having trouble with Coverflow in the Finder. When I delete files it gets lost, showing previews of files that are not the ones that are highlighted. The spacebar preview seems to work, showing me the actual contents, but the coverflow view is for a different file. Also, if there is a long list of files in the folder, it cannot display the files further down the list.
I was in the middle of a large project, going through thousands of photos in finder, when I upgraded. I had the perfect workflow, using coverflow, and it worked flawlessly in Lion. It seems this got boken in the update."
I'm having the same problem. If I navigated away from a folder it was happening with for a while, the ghost perviews in the coverflow would disappear, but it would still happen if I tried to move or delete a file.
OS X Mavericks (10.9)