Error 4005 fix for Windows 7
If your iPhone is stuck in Recovery Mode, this fix should restore your iPhone to the factory settings, but a backup should have been created automatically when the OS was updated so you will have the option to restore from backup once the repair is made.
If iTunes is open, exit iTunes
Disconnect iPhone from computer USB
Click Start menu on desktop
Go to Control Panel
Go to Programs
Go to Programs and Features
Select Apple Mobile Device Support and click repair
Connect iPhone to computer USB (device should install automatically)
Open iTunes
When prompted, click restore iPhone
OS should install now and restore factory settings
iPhone will automatically restart when OS is successfully installed, and you will have the option to setup as new or restore from backup. If you wish to keep your files and settings, click restore from backup and wait until your iPhone is fully synced. If there are any discrepancies in your contacts or whatever, you will have the option to choose the correct contact to sync now or sync later. Once your iPhone is fully synced, follow the prompts on the iPhone and that's it! Now the next step will be figuring out how to use your iPhone with the fancy new OS!
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.0.2