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Upgrade prompting for keychain password and I don't have one?

Min stalling upgrade and prompting for a number of keychain passwords which I don't use or have a password for keychain. It won't let me opt out and proceed.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

Posted on Dec 18, 2013 12:14 PM

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Dec 18, 2013 12:16 PM in response to Bomacave

Tutorial: Resolving Keychain Issues

If you can't access your keychain, or forget your password If you can't get into your keychain file because you've forgotten your password or the keychain file appears to be corrupt, there are a couple of options.

First, if you've forgotten your password, you can use the "Keychain First Aid" utility to make the keychain password the same as the login password. This can be accomplished via the following process:

1. Open Keychain Access (located in Applications/Utilities)

2. Go to the "Keychain Access" menu and select "Preferences"

3. Click the "First Aid" tab

4. Make sure the "Synchronize login keychain password" box is checked

5. Close the Preferences window

6. Go to the "Keychain Access" menu and select "Keychain First Aid"

7. Enter your username and password

8. Click the "Repair" button

The second option is to completely delete your keychain then recreate it. This routine is useful if your keychain appears to be corrupt or otherwise inaccessible. This can be accomplished as follows:

1. Launch Keychain Access (located in Applications/Utilities)

2. Click "Show Keychains" in the lower-left corner of the window.

3. Select the problematic keychain from the left-hand pane.

4. Navigate to the "File" menu and select "Delete Keychain '(name of keychain)'"

5. Check all options for deletion and press "OK"

6. Create a new keychain by going to the "File" menu, then "New" and selecting

"New Keychain"

7. You can now make this keychain your default if you desire by selecting it, then

going to the "File" menu and selecting "Make '(name of keychain)' Default"

Login as root and perform repair In some cases, problems with keychains can only be resolved when logged in as the root user.

First, you want to enable the root user:

1. OS X Mountain Lion: Enable and disable the root user

2. OS X Lion: Enable and disable the root user

3. Mac OS X 10.6: Enabling the root user

4. Enabling and using the "root" user in Mac OS X

After enabling the root user, and logging in under this account, again open Keychain Access. First attempt repairs using Keychain First Aid, and failing that, delete then recreate the keychain as described above while logged in as root.

Persistently asked for stored passwords If you are persistently asked for passwords in various applications that you have specified should be remembered in a keychain, your "login" keychain may not be active for one reason or another.

Navigate to ~/Library/Keychains/ (this is the Library folder inside your user's home folder). Find the file named "login.keychain" and double-click it.

Failing that, select the "login" keychain within the Keychain Access application and make sure it is the default keychain by going to the "File" menu and selecting "Make 'Login' Default"

Turn off Keychain synchronization in applications having problems If specific applications are experiencing issues when accessing password-protected material, the Keychain may be to blame.

The above comes from an article published on MacFixit.com.


Dec 22, 2013 7:32 PM in response to Bomacave

Yesterday I upgraded OSX to 19.9.1 and now I am having the identical problem ... Have tried the key chain repair mentioned above to no avail .... very strange since i have been using OS X for more than 6 months and have never had to enter this many passwords to log onto every function


Jan 2, 2014 11:03 AM in response to Bomacave

After 6 days of trying all of the suggested methods of alleviating the problem, and employing all kinds of work-around nonsense, I finally broke down and booked an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar.

The technician there had great difficulty resolving it also & eventually took my Mac Airbook into the back room, connected with off-site support in California and they resolve it.

When asked what I could have done to resolve the issue he replied that I could not have.

My suggestion is take it to the make an appointment at the Apple store


Upgrade prompting for keychain password and I don't have one?

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