Can I make my Scansnap fi-5110EOXM work on System 10.8?
How can I make my Scansnap fi-5110EOXM work on System 10.8?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), Scansnap fi-5110EOXM driver?
How can I make my Scansnap fi-5110EOXM work on System 10.8?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), Scansnap fi-5110EOXM driver?
Will the Fujitsu Scansnap 5110EOXM work with Mavericks?
I have the Fujitsu Scansnap 5110EOXM and have loved it for years. It still functions perfectly under 10.8. Now I'd like the assurace it will work under Mavericks before I upgrade to Mavericks.
Yes, I just got the 5110EOXM working again with Mavericks.
After upgrading to Mavericks the Scansnap app stopped working. The official page for the my Scansnap FI-5110EOXM says it's not supported. xm_mavericks.html
I got lucky with a driver for another scanner that is still supported: 00.html
Seems as if Not supported only means you can't expect help fro Fujitsu anymore, the latest Scansnap Manager still works.
Just to echo what the previous couple of posters have said, I too had success getting the older fi-5110EOXM ScanSnap scanner to work on OS X 10.9.
I had an older (v2.1) version of ScanSnap manager previously installed, and attempting to apply just the update gave me a "Target not found" error. I did the following to get it to work:
1. Install the base ScanSnap Manager for Mac (V3.2L31) for the S1300. Must right click and select Open due to digital signature. (This updated my existing v2.1 version) 00.html 00m-setup.html
2. Then run update for ScanSnap Manager for Mac Update (V3.2L63) -mg32.html
Hope this helps someone!
Can I make my Scansnap fi-5110EOXM work on System 10.8?