IOS 7.1 iphone 4S wifi not available .. help..
iPhone 4S, iOS 7.1
Same problem. Anybody?
Same problem. Anybody?
Same problem! Urgent help needed please.
Me too.... HELP!
I've got a 5S but my problem is I can turn on WIFI, but it doesn't find any networks....
I also have the same problem. I spoke to a consultant at apple store. he said the wifi chip has burnt out during the update. We tried restoring my phone, same problem. I will have to get a new wifi chip fitted in.
I had no WiFi on my 4S after it finished it's update.
I restarted my 4S and everything seems fine.
WiFi is now working as it's supposed to.
It's sounds strange that a Software Update can Burn out a Hardware Component like the WiFi chip.
That sounds like a rare result.
Glad my 4S is functioning normally again.
My iphone 4s is about 20 months old, Apple only covers warranty for 1 year. I wish they would take responsibilty . 😟
Somehow for 2 days I had the above problem (with wifi and bluetooth). During these days I had restarted many times. By some magic reason today it started to work again as normal...
Here I have the same problem... It's really not done!
If a tech, tells you its a hardware problem.. Its all bs... I had a problem with my iphone 4s since the update before 7.1 and immediately I had the problem, You could activate it from the control panel but if you went to Settings you could see Wifi was off and greyed, and now with the new update it is how the picture shows. They are making this on purpose it seems, How come they can program it to be faster, but cant make it have all its fuctions? I personally have factory reset the phone. Hard Reset. Reset Settings, Airplane Mode all those little tricks, So its the software. Apple needs to pay attention to the people and fix the product..I had my Iphone 4s since February 8 2014. After i traded in my other Iphone 4s since it had the Lock Button problem that is common. I would recommend to downgrade. My gf's iphone is running perfect without the two previous updates.
How do you downgrade an Iphone?
same issue with my 4s - nothing is working to fix it! cant call apple because they want $19 since my apple care expired! seems like a scam to get folks to buy a new phone. I lost mine the morning of the update so prior to me updatig. any suggestions? (tried heating it up, airplane mode, hard reset, resetting network settings, restarting phone)
I've had exacly the same issue just a few hours ago. My 4s went through the 7.1 update just to wake up with wifi grayed out in Settings and "Wi-Fi not available" message while thrying to enable it form Control Center. I spoke with apple's tech, and he literally told me that it HAS to be a hardware issue, than the same story about wifi chip ending up in flames during the update (***?)... b***sh**t... I tried almost everything (restarting, reseting network sets etc.) with no luck. I missed one thing. Reseting ALL the settings instead of just Network... I did that right after the conversation with apple and... VOLIA! Fixed! A hardware issue, right?
For all the TLDR's:
Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset All Settings
helped for me (reset network settings did NOT) You'll loose only settings (wallpaper, ringer tones etc. will be back to default), your data will stay intact.
I've done all of the above, reset network and all settings, and nothing at all. Apple also told me the chip is burnt out because of the update but they want 200 to upgrade the phone. Uh so if your update caused my chip to die, IT'S YOUR PROBLEM, not mine. All I can do now is freeze the phone for 15 mins and wifi comes back for an hour, but who the heck wants to do that? All the while my data plan is suffering big time. Thanks Apple.
IOS 7.1 iphone 4S wifi not available .. help..