iPhone 5 camera not working after ios 7 update
The front camera works initially, but the rear camera shows a blurry image which then freezes the app. Several hard resets have had no effect.
iPhone 5, iOS 7
The front camera works initially, but the rear camera shows a blurry image which then freezes the app. Several hard resets have had no effect.
iPhone 5, iOS 7
what is ur iphone kind josfrombel
So the squeezing on the camera trick worked for me after a few tries. I out it back in my lifeproof case and it didn't work but a quick squeeze through case made it all functional again. If this is hardware it's a manufacturing defect. If it's somehow software we deserve an update. Though, hardware wise we deserve a replacement or free repair. This is unusual and not what I expect. My old 3GS that my son uses for an iPod still has full function all around. And this 5 has been taken far better care of.
Pressing on the camera firmly and restarting the phone really works! Really hope this fix lasts!
Well I'm beginning to be a convert to this theory. Couldn't get the camera to work through several cycles of power off / reset, including one full wipe/restore. Tried the pushing down/power cycle and it worked.
So I'm glad it works but I'm not happy about the whole situation. The next time it dies I plan to take it back for a replacement (I'm still under warranty) or I may switch over to Verizon Edge & upgrade to the Iphone 5S. Or the Android LG G2, my girlfriend just got one of those and it is REALLY cool, big screen, lots of features the iphone doesn't have, I'm jealous...
My front camera doesn't work either since the iOS 7 update, but I thought that just my camera was broke. The back camera works fine but when I switch to the front camera the screen blurs. So I went to a repair shop and replaced the front camera with NO result (tried with 3 diffrent ones!), still the blurred screen when I switch to front camera. So it has to be a software problem! I hope someone comes with a solution soon...
Same here, backside camera just stop working two weeks ago. It went black...... Updating to 7.1 didn't help.
Logging on my iphone 5 when starting camera app:
Mar 17 01:47:57 iPhone-5 backboardd[28] <Error>: HID: The 'Passive' connection 'Camera' access to protected services is denied.
Mar 17 01:47:57 iPhone-5 mstreamd[71] <Notice>: (Note ) PS: Paused.
Mar 17 01:47:57 iPhone-5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 0
Mar 17 01:47:57 iPhone-5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::power_off_hardware
Mar 17 01:47:57 iPhone-5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 1
Mar 17 01:47:57 iPhone-5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::power_on_hardware
Mar 17 01:47:58 iPhone-5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::ISP_SelectBestMIPIFrequencyIndex_gated - channel: 0, index: 1
Mar 17 01:47:58 iPhone-5 kernel[0] <Debug>: ISPCPU: ERR: ./H4ISPCD/filters/IC/CImageCaptureH4.cpp, 780: FlowIC00: Frame done timeout! frameCount = -1.
Mar 17 01:48:00 iPhone-5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::setPowerStateGated: 0
Mar 17 01:48:00 iPhone-5 kernel[0] <Debug>: AppleH4CamIn::power_off_hardware
Some Apple input would be nice om this issue would be nice.
Absolutely disgraceful of Apple to leave their customers in the dark like this. Simply because my iPhone is out of their warranty I cannot recieve any Genius help and support. They don't offer any solution for this random black out of my rear & front cameras after being fully operational.
No software updates will fix it, pushing down on the camera and rebooting doesn't work
I want an answer and so do the other 140,000 people that have viewed this thread!
Don't leave us helpless anymore and start contributing by offering a solution of any kind or at the bare minimum a statement. Highly unimpressed Apple.....
Well I kind of gave up. I took advantage of the new Verizon Edge program and upgraded early from the 5 to the 5s.
I still believe that this was likely a software issue, but am hoping that the newer hardware solves the problem. No problem so far.
I'm pretty disappointed in the Apple response on this. I could have turned mine in as it was still under warranty but chose to go this route. I see this as more evidence of quality control slippage under Tim Cook
I have read, tried and tested each and every piece of advice on here as to how to restore my camera and failed every time. The rear camera didn't work and the front camera worked from time to time. Finally, I took it into the Apple Store in Watford having made an appointment first of course! I was expecting to pay £100 or thereabouts. I was there for approximately 6 minutes and they replaced the phone for a brand new one free of charge. My phone ran out of warranty in November 2013!! I am still a little shocked and very happy! :-) The guy said it was a hardware problem.
I acutally replaced the backside camera module on my iPhone 5 with one that I ordered from iFixit as a possible solution. My phone is way out of warranty. I still have the same problem after replacing the camera. No change at all. At least I know its not the camera module itself.
I don't know if people are still using this thread but I'll post what worked for me. I had the same issue, camera suddenly stopped working, the camera screen was completely black and I was unable to take pictures. I updated for the newest ios several weeks ago and camera worked fine until yesterday, so I don't think that was the problem. Anyways, here is what I did:
1. Uninstalled all apps that used the camera (i.e. instagram)
2. In Privacy settings, denied all apps the access to the camera/camera roll (twitter, facebook, whatsapp, etc.)
3. Resetted the phone pressing and holding the Sleep/wake and Home buttons for 10 seconds, until the Apple logo appeared
Thats it! it worked. I reseted the phone previously without doing the apps thing and it didnt work, so maybe it had something to do? dunno
I had the same issue, camera suddenly stopped working, the camera screen was completely black and I was unable to take pictures. I updated for the newest ios several weeks ago and camera worked fine until yesterday, so I don't think that was the problem. Anyways, here is what I did:
1. Uninstalled all apps that used the camera (i.e. instagram)
2. In Privacy settings, denied all apps the access to the camera/camera roll (twitter, facebook, whatsapp, etc.)
3. Resetted the phone pressing and holding the Sleep/wake and Home buttons for 10 seconds, until the Apple logo appeared
Thats it! it worked. I reseted the phone previously without doing the apps thing and it didnt work, so maybe it had something to do? dunno
I tried this and it's not working for me either. I've tried the 'restore' and all the various suggestion this thread. It is my belief it is software related and Apple needs to come up with a fix ASAP.
For the number of different threads started for the same issue, this problem is obviously impacting a large portion of the usergroup.
Maybe we should get the media involved, that might set a fire under'em!
I also tried replacing the camera. Worked for a week or two, and then it stopped working again. Huge dissapointment! I thougt the replacement would solve the problem. Im going to try what NonStopRobot said, but i dont have much hope. I cant beleive the only solution until now is the full replacement of the phone!
Thank you wobbly move did the trick!
iPhone 5 camera not working after ios 7 update