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iOS 7.1.1 Battery Management Issues?

I've been browsing the battery related issues with the latest upgrade, trying to figure out if anyone else is seeing what I'm seeing. I don't think my battery is draining any faster on 7.1.1, I think iOS is having trouble managing what the battery life is.

I have a 5s and since the 7.1.1 release I'm having significant problems with my battery. The phone will frequently freeze or crash or drop 25-50% battery life in 5 minutes. So I've started paying close attention. Here are the symptoms:

  1. Battery life is inconsistant - I check it and I'm at 74%, next time I check it I'm suddenly down to 30%, next time I check it I'm at 52%, next time I check it it's dead requiring a plug-in to turn back on
  2. Battery life drops quickly - I put it in my pocket at 45%, I take it out of my pocket 5 minutes later and it's dropped to the point that it requires a plug-in to turn back on. However other times I can have it on actively in use at mid-battery life for 10-20 minutes with no noticable battery drain. I've made no changes to apps running or background settings
  3. Battery frequently appears to "drain" without draining - This happend to me 3 times today and twice yesterday. I'm using the phone, my batterly life is above 75% and suddenly I get a black screen with the spinning "loading" icon and then my phone's off. I try to turn it back on, it doesn't respond for a few seconds and then tells me the battery is totally drained and must be plugged-in to turn back on. I do this and my battery is back up into the 80's by the time the phone turns on

My experience leads me to believe there may be a problem in 7.1.1 with the OS's ability to actually manage the battery life. Has anyone else experienced anything similiar? Does anyone know if there's a fix? Thanks.

Posted on Apr 27, 2014 2:50 PM

20 replies
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Apr 28, 2014 4:46 AM in response to Thyer326

I have the same problem, only I have an iPhone 5.

I'm experiencing terrible battery management from the phone. Mine does not jump back and forth, but as soon as it hits the 25-35% range it powers off, but I can tell its poor software management because as soon as its connected to a power souce it immediatly boots.

I hope they come out with a fix soon.


Apr 29, 2014 12:09 AM in response to Thyer326

I have the same problem on the iPhone 4. My battery drains very quickly even when not used. However, after charging for a while it stops charging either by plug or by USB.

Struggling to use phone because phone goes into shut down when it thinks battery is drained or is drained and can't charge it.

Apple please bring a fix out soon.


Apr 29, 2014 3:37 AM in response to Avengers79

Read the blog post to determine if it is a hardware or software issue (usage time is equal to stand-by time).

In my case a rogue app which i had on my iPhone 4S already since iOS7.04 caused the drain after an update to IOS7.0.6. and still with iOS7.1 I removed the app and now my iPhone is fine again with iOS7.1 and now iOS7.1.1. ever since.

Question 1) Did you read the blog post i mentioned?

Question 2) Does your iPhone have the exact same Usage time as Stand-by time or not (see Settings > General > Use > ..)?

If this usage time is not exactly the same as the stand-by time then it could be that it simply is a hardware issue (battery itself) and not software (iOS) related.

Question 3) What kind of settings do you have on your iPhone e.g. the below things could cause a huge battery drain ever since the recent iOS release can still run in the background (if you have 'refresh in background' or GPS turned on for some apps).

We have two iPhone 4S phones and we have an average battery time of 1-1,5 day (when using it for e.g. a few calls, texts, mail, news apps and a short video for e.g. total of 3-4 hours) or even 2 days (if i don't use my phone much almost 90% stand-by time) and with WIFI connecting for about 90-95% of the day and ofcourse phone network but no 3G.

Aside from that we have the following settings which could save a lot of battery:

- bluetooth off

- screen brightness set to approximately 30%

- fetch e-mail accounts once an hour (Settings > E-mail, calendar .. > deselect 'Push' and set it to either Fetch e.g. once an hour)

- do not refresh any apps in the background (Settings > Refresh apps on background)

- apps that use GPS are limited (Settings > Privacy > Location tracking)

- only have a few apps (5-10) that are allowed to send push notifications

- only have a limited amount of apps to send messages to 'Notification center' or e.g badgets/strips/sounds/apps symbol or on your 'Access screen' (See Settings > Message center > check settings per app)

I think that 3G uses more battery then WIFI so if you have WIFI access then use that instead of 3G.


Apr 30, 2014 11:43 PM in response to Avengers79

My Issue has now been resolved. Tried resetting iPhone 4 to factory settings. Since less data was restored afterwards the battery drain was less. However, phone would say it was charging and losing battery power; and I could not connect to iTunes properly.

Tried my friends charger and my phone is now fine. I have now bought a iPhone 4 charge cable from an Apple store to replace the charge cable I bought from EE (mobile phone shop). Why it stopped working when Apple installed iOS 7.1.1 is still a mystery.

Avengers79 wrote:

I have the same problem on the iPhone 4. My battery drains very quickly even when not used. However, after charging for a while it stops charging either by plug or by USB.

Struggling to use phone because phone goes into shut down when it thinks battery is drained or is drained and can't charge it.

Apple please bring a fix out soon.


Apr 30, 2014 11:45 PM in response to Thyer326

Maximize iPhone Battery (iOS7):

1) Turn off Airdrop: Control Center >AirDrop > Off

2) Limit background app refresh. Turn it off for applications such as Google/Facebook.Settings > General > Background App Refresh

3) Turn off automatic updates: Settings > iTunes & App Store > Updates and Apps (off)

4) Unneccessary Location Services: Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Off (uncheck as needed)

5) Turn off Paralax: Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion

6) Siri, and her 'raise to speak.' Turn it off: Settings > General > Siri > Raise to Speak

7) Exclude items from Spotlight search as needed: Settings > General > Spotlight Search

8) Remove unneccessary notifications: Settings > Notification Center > None (per app basis)

9) Make sure auto-brightness is on, or reduce the brightness to 25% or less if desired.Settings > Wallpapers & Brightness

10) Use Still backgrounds only: Settings > Wallpapers & Brightness> Choose Wallpaper

11) Fetch email instead of "Push": Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar > Fetch New Data >Push(off) & Fetch every 15 minutes

12) Disable LTE if needed: Settings > Cellular > Enable 4G/LTE (OFF)

13) Reduce Autolock: Settings > General > Auto-Lock > 1 Minute

14) Disable Vibrations with Ring: Settings > Sounds > Vibrate on Ring (off)

15) Close Applications regularly: Double Tap Home Button > Swipe up on App to close


May 1, 2014 5:00 AM in response to nbar

The many pieces of advice you came up with are good as long as you don't need to use your smartphone. If I needed a brick for calling and receiving messages I would stick to my Nokia 5800 Xpress Music lasting over a week with heavy use. There, I can also check on emails, send MMS messages, surf the Net, play music, and still, have a great time without having to plug my iPhone 5 into a socket to get more battery life. I recon it's purely the Apple's fault and they should be blamed for the discussed battery drain. It's them who desgined, made and sold me an iPhone, it's them making iOS 7.1.1. I hate to tell you this but I'm really disappointed by the company's polices. "Sell & I don't give a **** about the rest." I used to have an iPhone 3GS with iOS 6 on board. It was really nice to have and use it despite the fact Samsung's fans had better phone specs at that time, however performance and reliability were at the top level. Now, we're bound to get closer to what other companies do: sell a product, and don't listen to what people say.

I would really love to change into Samsung 5s or the latest HTC, but I've got too many apps on the appstore that I've paid for. Besides, android really gets on my nerves, actually I can't get it at all 🙂 lol So I'll wait for iPhone 6, but I'm not going to buy it as soon as it's out, but I'll wait a couple of months until people have tested it thoroughly.

<Edited by Host>


May 1, 2014 6:51 AM in response to Thyer326

All these suggestions are fantastic..... IF YOU DONT NEED TO USE YOUR PHONE!! Im on my phone 24/7 for work. Having my battery drain every 30 minutes with nothing running, nothing refreshing, email on manual pull, and still my battery shows its dying. I am loving seeing the Apple on the black screen then the spinning indicating my phone just shut off in the middle of a call with my boss, good times good times. As mentioned above if I wanted a brick Id pull out my old brick phone from the early 90's.

My 5S is worthless at this point. I can not be tethered to a desk all day. This needs to be fixed pronto! If I wasnt forced to carry an iphone Id be happy with my Galaxy 5! It never reboots itself, or shuts down when it thinks it has no battery.... Apple your drunk pull yourself together


May 3, 2014 11:46 AM in response to Thyer326

I finally found the culprit on my 5S, and it did not need a reset to do it: Set Time Zone Automatically to OFF.

The trick to finding it was to follow the instructions at OverThought, and discover that with all the other items noted in the guide, the problem of drain persisted with no apps open, no apps using background app refresh or location, and mail set to fetch only. That is, with EVERY app set to not use CPU in the background, drain continued, so it had to be iOS. On looking through the General settings, I had previously set everything to off, apparently with the exception of the auto time zone. Switching it off stopped the CPU from thrashing when the iPhone was in sleep. When it was ON, the iPhone used as much CPU in sleep as it did in wake time.

I did turn Time Zone Automatically back on, to find that the 5S continued to behave well, but YMMV. FWIW, I don't think I even had to fully power-down the 5S to cure the problem. Please note that this problem occurred both with and without a SIM in the 5S, but the cure was done without a SIM in the 5S. Perhaps, there's some weird interaction with the SIM that messes up the code for automatically setting the time zone. I tested by putting the SIM back in and, say I knocking on my head, it seems to still be 'cured.' 🙂

So, for all of you with problem battery drain, maybe the cure is to turn OFF setting the device's time zone automatically, and, possibly, after testing there's no battery drain, per the above link, to turn it back on.



May 5, 2014 4:24 AM in response to Avengers79


Just a word of warning to those who use the restore function. Even if you've backed up data etc using iCloud and/or on pc via iTunes, only apps (no app data) and a few songs will be available.

No data (notes, diaries), most of your music, photos will be gone (download iTunes music maybe retrievable but only if you know what you've lost, if it remembers you've already bought it and download indvidually) (beware of unwanted songs in albums that you deleted they will come back.)

Also iphone may not let you add songs saved on to pc.

Apple also delete backups in favour of the latest backup. However, if your phone backs up before you've spent days wasting slaving away trying to get back things you lost previously when did not fully restore (when it should of done) you will never be able to get them back again.

Though you will all be happy to know that Apple will provide you with a tough luck apology.

Thanks a million,

Another satisfied customer 😠


May 5, 2014 10:31 AM in response to Thyer326

I have both an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 5s and I restored the 5s from the 5 backup. Both phones have the same apps and settings and when I forst got the 5s, I deliberatley drained the battery from 100% to 0%. This took approximately 12 hours with WiFI, GPS, 4G bluetooth and everything else activated. I even installed the torch app and activated the flashlight to speed up the process. I then recharged the phone to 100% and allowed it to discharge again. With little usage, the battery lasted for 2 days, which is around the same as my iPhone 5.

Since the update to iOS7.1.1, the battery drains so quickly. Currently, my phone is at 65% despite being fully charged 3 hours ago. I have disabled 4G and bluetooth and have made one call and browsed Facebook for approximately 5 minutes. My iPhone 5 was last charged on Friday afternoon, has all fucntions enabled and is currently at 34%. I have tried performing a hard reset, but this has had no effect. Is it possible that there is a fault on the phone, or is there something fundamentally different with the batteries on the 5 and 5s?

Ironically, I have swithced from a Samsung Galaxy S2 to the iPhone 5s due to poor battery perfomance. With recent statements on the Galaxy S5, maybe I should have gone with that.


May 5, 2014 11:11 AM in response to Thyer326

I am having this exact same problem. My iPhone 5 will drop from 80% to 15% in seconds, or it just shutdowns at 80% and wont turn on unless I plug it in. When I do plug it in and it starts up, the battery is in the 60s. Ive attempted to recalibrate the battery meter as suggested in other forum posts, but my phone usually shuts down before reaching anything below 10%. Do you think this is something that will get fixed with an update soon? Im very tempted to get the new HTC One or Samsung Galaxy S5. Im gonna try a restore tonight, and if that doesnt work, I will be even more tempted...


May 6, 2014 7:49 AM in response to aildb

So I restored my phone last night. Lost all my photos because iCloud is stupid. My phone hasnt shut down randomly yet, but the battery is still dropping a significant amount quickly. Just went from 45% to 1%. I plugged in and it immediatelg shows 75%. I left the phone unplugged last night and it lasted through the night, so it seems to be somewhat okay on standby, but what good is that?


iOS 7.1.1 Battery Management Issues?

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