Starred/Flagged Folders Not Present
This is driving me crazy.
I just setup Apple Mail but after waiting 2 hours for all the folders to download, flagged/starred emails are seemingly a total loss.
I have TWO Gmail accounts and NEITHER show the starred folder. In addition, there is is no 'Flagged' entry under Mailboxes, in spite of the fact that I can visually see flags on various emails in the Inbox. So not only are the Starred folders not showing, but Flagged items aren't working right in Apple Mail as well...
I have verified the following:
1. Starred folders ARE enabled under both GMail accounts.
2. Under the folder lists in Apple Mail there is NO entry for a folder named GMail (so it's not a case of it being a sub-folder and me not seeing it).
3. Sometimes I actually do see the Starred folders show up, but they disappear after a couple of seconds.
4. These same accounts in a different email client, as well as on iPhone & iPad show the Starred folders fine.
It seems fairly odd that not only do the Starred folders no show up, but the internal flag feature in apple mail isn't working properly either...
Going a little bit further, I tried creating a smart mailbox and set it to display ALL flagged items, and that folder is empty.
And again, I can SEE the flags on the various messages IN the inbox, that is pretty much the only thing working in terms of flags in Apple Mail...
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 8GB RAM, 256GB Hard Drive