barneyfrommount dora wrote:
I'm having the same problem with User Sites and sub-directories in Webserver Documents. Attempting to access a sub-directory gives me a 403 forbidden error and http://localhost/~username/ gives me URL not found on this server. I've worked the permissions and setup the recommended modules to no avail. The phpMyAdmin sub-directory works out of Webserver Documents. Why does it work and mine doesn't? It does have a config_inc.php file pointing at the server with the MySQL userID and password.
There's this directive in the httpd.conf file:
# Apple specific filesystem protection.
<Files "rsrc">
Require all denied
<DirectoryMatch ".*\.\.namedfork">
Require all denied
I'm assuming it's protecting the system level file directory. Could it be interfering with Apache?
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
It is, and it is not interfering with Apache.
You need to check both he http.conf file and the username.conf file in /etc/apache2
You need to uncomment this line in http.conf (remove the # symbol)
#Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
In the /etc/apache2/exrtra/httpd-userdir.conf, uncomment:
#Include /private/etc/apache2/users/*.conf
Then, in each username.con in /etc/apache2/users, it should look like:
<Directory "/Users/Barney/Sites/">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Note, you must change your <Directory/> tag to your actual usename between /Users/ and /Sites/