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After Upgrade to El Capitan, Clicks on "Allow" or "Always Allow" on keychain dialogs don't register

After upgrading from Yosemite to El Capitan (10.11.1), I have noticed this issue when I'm trying to access a server where the login information has been saved in my keychain. The Finder brings up the keychain access dialog and when I click on "Allow" or "Always Allow" it doesn't register the click no matter how many times I click it. This is a serious problem because it prevents me from accessing my disks attached to my AirPort base station which critical files for me. If I click on "Deny" it accepts that and then I can reenter the login password. However, that is not how it should work.

I have notice the same issue when rebooting with my Mac FUSE drives.

I tried Keychain Access First Aid and when I had it verify my keychain, it complained about my ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain not being accessible and asked me to open it manually. I tried that, but that didn't fix the problem.

Thank you very much.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X El Capitan (10.11.1)

Posted on Oct 26, 2015 10:14 AM

43 replies
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Oct 30, 2015 1:29 PM in response to JasonPfeil

Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.


Mail Feedback

Or you can use your Apple ID to register with this site and go the Apple BugReporter. Supposedly you will get an answer if you submit feedback.

Feedback via Apple Developer

Try running Keychain Access/First Aid and resetting the original keychain.

Keychain Reset

Keychain Issues - Resolve see post by Kappy


Nov 1, 2015 6:20 AM in response to JasonPfeil

Exact same issue 😟 makes the system completely unusable. Restored 2 times and same issue cropped back up. Every OS release they always mess up something, Yosemite it was performance arghh! . Guess I will jump back to Mavericks.


Nov 9, 2015 7:51 PM in response to gam3r

Same issue here. I've done Keychain First Aid, tried Synching Keychain password to login password, deleting the login keychain and deleting all the keychains in the Keychain folder and rebooting. Nothing works. I can't "allow" or "always allow" access to passwords in the keychain.


Nov 10, 2015 6:51 AM in response to bproven

I was finally able to resolve this issue on my end. For me, the problem was working on these machines remotely via Apple Remote Desktop. With the 10.11.1 update, Apple introduced a "security fix" that disabled the ability for non-physical devices to interact with the Keychain. You can see the details of this "fix" here (scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and look for CVE-2015-5943 for a full description):

About the security content of OS X El Capitan v10.11.1 and Security Update 2015-007 - Apple Support

You can confirm this being the issue with your machine if you view the system logs via the Console.app. When you click on "Always Allow", you should see the following in the logs:

Ignoring user action since the dialog has received events from an untrusted source

Basically, your click is being registered as a "synthetic click". In my case, this was because I was using Apple Remote Desktop (I also tested various other remote apps I use, like TeamViewer and iTeleport Connect, and all resulted in the same error in the logs). Basically, this affects any screen sharing app. My solution was to drive into the office and physically click "Always Allow" on each machine. Yay. Thanks Apple! Great "fix"!!!

That said—this isn't the only thing causing this problem. Any third party application running on your machine that OS X sees as "taking control" of your window will also trigger the issue (for example, I have Hazel running on a few of my machines, and that was causing the same problem—I couldn't even physically click "Always Allow" on these machines. Disabling Hazel solved the problem (but later, I found that I could also add Hazel to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility and that seemed to work—unfortunately, this didn't work for Apple Remote Desktop or other screen sharing apps).

Hopefully this helps some of you guys!



Nov 10, 2015 7:24 AM in response to Philippe Casgrain

That makes sense because I was finally able to "solve" it by booting into safe mode. VNC (which is how I interact with this box) is not supported in Safe Mode so I had to hop on it directly. I thought it was safe mode that was the "fix" but it sounds like it was simply interacting with the desktop that did it.

That's great but it's incomprehensible to me that Apple would introduce a feature that took away my ability to decide what input devices to trust. I wasted days on this.


Nov 16, 2015 12:34 PM in response to bproven

Thanks for posting this!

I was trying every single thing posted as a solution on the internets and it still wasn't working.

In my case, the culprit was Screen Sharing app on Mac. While using it to import apple developer profile into Xcode on the mini remotely, it'd present this dialog with Always, Always Allow and Deny. And, only the Deny button would work remotely.

Whatever it is with the "synthetic clicks" its a pain to manage a remote build machine with this "security feature".

Radar: 23561390


After Upgrade to El Capitan, Clicks on "Allow" or "Always Allow" on keychain dialogs don't register

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