Secure delete files—an alternative?
I'm aware that using secure delete from the command line doesn't work with solid state drives (SSDs), and that an alternative is to use FileVault to encrypt data on the disk. However, that is still flawed as if someone gets hold of the password they can decrypt the data. And given advances in computing power, it may only be a few years before a brute force attack will succeed in a relatively short time even for passwords of 10 or 12 characters.
An alternative is to force the SSD to overwrite the entire free space on the disk by filling it with random data. This might be achieved by starting with a random image (JPEG, TIFF, whatever) with zero useful information (maybe a random image of sky and clouds), then encrypting it (ZIP would do) with a random password. Multiple versions of random different sizes with random different passwords (maybe 20 characters) could be created, so unlocking one file wouldn't give the hacker access to any others. It would take a very, very long time to decrypt all the files to find zero information.
Is this an effective "secure delete" option? Is it possible to read previously written data from an SSD if it's genuinely been written over? Does this leave an obvious trail of deleted data? Would it be better to write all zeros or 1s? Or forget about the whole encryption thing and just fill the disc with 0xff?
The secure delete srm command (which overwrote data up to 32 times) has been removed in the latest versions of Mac OS, but there is rm -P which overwrites data 3 times. But of course it's only effective on HDDs, not SSDs.