10.4.10 Snap, Crackle, Pop - a workaround
The basic strategy is to use mpg123 to play a silent mp3 file continuously in the background. By doing this, the audio subsystem doesn't have a chance to go to sleep, and therefore the pops disappear.
Open up a Terminal window
cd ~
mkdir nopop
cd nopop
wget http://www.noderunner.net/~llin/old/4second.mp3
wget http://www.mpg123.de/download/mpg123-0.66.tar.bz2
bunzip2 mpg123-0.66.tar.bz2
tar xvf mpg123-0.66.tar
cd mpg123-0.66
sudo make install
obviously you can change the locations to your heart's content.
The command below will play a 4 second silent mp3 file continuously until you log out. This means that the audio subsystem never goes to sleep, and therefore you won't get the Pops.
mpg123 -Z -q ~/nopop/4second.mp3
Perhaps one of you Cocoa programmers could package this up nicely for everyone else?
On my macbook, it'll cost you about 2% of your CPU, but at least you won't get the pops.
Any suggestions, improvements, feedback very welcome!
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.4.10)