After running iTunes and select Quit, the image are still there. I need to click on the screen then it will disappear from the screen. Anyone experience that on the MBP?
MacBook Pro 1.86 - 80gb - 1 GB,
Mac OS X (10.4.10),
Ex Apple//GS, //e, //c, //+ & iBook G4 user
Hi, my name is Jack Gregory and I hop the following information will help you. I have had apple training before and am running leopard currently. The reason why your apps are not closing is because you have Intego content barrier x4. To fix this problem you do not have to unstall content barrier x4. Follow these directions:
1. Quit all other applications.
2. Open system preferences
3. In other click on NetUpdate
4. Configure an e-mail and password if not already done so.
5. At the top click on updates.
6. Click on check. There should be some updates available for download.
7. Download and install updates. (Will do that for you)
8. Finally Restart computer.
9. It should be working