If I shoot a movie on my Sony camcorder in16:9 widescreen should it be imported as DV_PAL or DV PAL-Widescreen (btw I am in the UK)? I do not have HD TV as yet but want to ensure the output is in the best posssible format.
Also, when is it advisable to use the DV letterboxing feature? Is that primarily for users who didn't have the benefit of being able to shoot in widescreen in the first instance?
Thanks in advance for any offer of help.
PowerMac G5,
Mac OS X (10.4.10),
1.8 GHZ Dual Proc. 2gb Memory, 128mb VRAM 20" Cinema Display
You should shoot and edit in whatever format your camcorder natively supports. Delay any conversions until the very end of the process, like when exporting the final movie.
In the DV world, all footage uses a resolution of 720x480 (NTSC) or 720x586 (PAL). Widescreen vs. standard aspect ratio is accomplished by using rectangular pixels. Or in other words, widescreen footage does
not have a higher resolution. For widescreen, the pixels are wider than tall, and for 4:3 they are taller than wide. So when you take a DV clip in one aspect ratio and add black bars to the sides to change the aspect ratio, you have to re-render all the pixels (which introduces a loss of sharpness), and loose 25% of your original pixels in the process (replaced by the black bars).
Some older camcorders where 4:3 natively, but had a simulated 16:9 mode. Recording in 16:9 mode with one of those is not a good idea, as the data from the 4:3 sensor where post-processed as above, giving you effectively a lower resolution video stream.
Thanks Klaus1.. but please spell it out for me.. as I filemed in 16:9 widescreen and have previously imported it as DV ie 4:3. Was this incorrect? Should I have imported my widscreen footage as widescreen?
If you know you footage is in widescreen, then before starting import, set the new project to DV Widescreen in order to maintain the correct aspect. Ditto with the iDVD project.
But do NOT tick the 'automatic letterboxing' option.
I am not sure if you can change the aspect of the project after you have started importing, so you may have to import it again as a new project.