G5 using too much power...
On my dual 1.8 G5 (2003 model) I noticed that the power consumption was very high.
In sleep mode it was about 40W and when turned off it was still 32W!!!
According to Apple's specifications the numbers should be closer to 10W for sleep and 2W for off.
The only way I can get lower than 32W consumption is to pull the plug!
I found a usegroup entry with a guy with similar data, but there was no solution to the problem.
click here
Does anybody have any suggestions? - or can you maybe measure your own G5's to see what yours are using?
I also found that when the machine is ON, with no processor hungry programs running, it uses around 200W - which on a yearly basis adds up to almost 2000 KWh if I leave it on all the time.
I was under the impression that Apples machines where energy friendly???
I really don't feel like powering the machine down AND pulling the plug everytime I'm not using it, so I hope someone can come up with an answer.