Hey guys,
I have a macbook that i upgraded to Leopard and I have found that the boot up takes about 10-20 seconds longer than it used to with Tiger. When i start up, the screen is grey (with the apple logo), then it fade to a pale blue screen (with no status bar - just blank) and it stays like for about 10-15 seconds, then it cuts to my desktop, and everything is fine. I am only wondering of this prolonged boot up is normal?
Mac OS X (10.5),
2gb ram, 80gb hdd, 2.0ghz intel core duo
Ya, it's definitely worse on 10.5.1. Whats going on apple? The update was supposed to make leopard better, not worse. My comp is taking almost a whole minute to boot now, compared to just a few seconds with tiger. I really think that I am going to have to archive and reinstall leopard. Or use super duper to back up my HD so i can reinstall without hitches.
Please post on what you do and how it works, I have been trying to solve this issue myself. I really miss starting up in under 30 seconds and shutting down in what seemed like 10-15 (never actually timed it) in Tiger.
Don't use SuperDuper until it is updated.
There are some issues between it and Leopard that haven't been resolved yet.
More than likely the back up won't work properly.
Use the Apple Backup tool to back up important files and reinstall Applications manually.
I am having the same issues.
I have tried all the possible remedies here but it's still takes twice as long as it did with Tiger.
I get 50 Seconds from turn on to the Desktop appearing.
I get the faint Blue Screen hang for about 10-15 seconds.
I also notice the Fan will start up and increase to almost full speed for a few seconds. That never happened before.
It also take 30 Seconds to shut down.
With Tiger it was 30 Seconds to Desktop and 15-20 seconds to shut down.
I have BTTM and all Syncing turned off.
All 3rd party Apps disabled or uninstalled.
It has really got bad since 10.5.1.
Before the update, it was just the shutdown.
Has anyone had these problems after doing an erase and install? I did the upgrade option and most people I've read about that had problems upgraded as well. I am curious if erase and install will solve the problem.
Yes I have the same problem a pale blue screen and quite a long time till I get my log in screen. And my hard drive sounds like it's in overdrive on my Mac pro.
Just thought I would add something here. I did a clean install and migrated the apps over and most documents, but not a complete migration. My boot time was the same, if not faster by a wee bit, than with Tiger. Everything runs much faster. I got no pale blue screen, and the boot went from gray screen to log-on screen just about immediately. Last night I did a stupid thing, however. I ran Audio Hijack (never thinking it might not be compatible) and clicked on the "instant hijack" option. I've never done that before. It had to make changes to my log-in, and had to log me off. After it did, I remained at a blue screen, never getting the option to log on. I tried a safe boot with the same result. I booted from the Leopard DVD and repaired permissions, to no avail. I finally used Time Machine for a system restore. That worked, and I'm up and running, but now I do get a blue screen before the log-on screen and boot time is longer. I booted at about 20 seconds before and I'd say it takes at least that to get to the blue screen and then a bit of a wait for the log on screen. I am going to repair permissions again, see if it helps, but I wanted to let you all know that before my episode of blonde, booting was flawless and quick. This long boot and lag-time isn't normal.
Your comment about slow *shut down* is happening to me after the 10.5.1
update - it was fine in 10.5 . . .
I have 4 user accounts, and typically log out of mine and just let it sit
in sleep mode (overnight or whenever). I clocked it at about 65-70 seconds
after I choose "Log out" and until I can select "Sleep".
And I did do the "Erase and Install" with 10.5 . . .
Well, I wasn't sure which Caches folder you meant.
There's one in Macintosh HD -> Library -> Caches
and one in Me -> Library Caches.
I did reset the PRAM, however, and noticed what SEEMED to be a slight speed increase from the gray screen with the spinning wheel to the actual login window. Hopefully a fix is coming...
I to had a boot up time of around 5 minutes which was driving me crazy! Not only did this speed up the boot up time (to 20-30 seconds after log-in) but I noticed an overall improvement!
I have the same thing going on here as well, although I have the login screen popping up twice. You will login and the desktop loads, blue screen for a few seconds and the login screen will pop back up.
I have had a small bit of success with the command/option P and R key combination, but it will only fix it for a small amount of time.
I've also cleared the user cache files, stops it also for a few reboots. But at the end of the day it returns and just becomes routine.