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Airport Extreme (802.11n) - Connection drops (no auto-reset)

I have seen a few questions here about the Airport Extreme doing auto-restarts, but mine is just dropping off. It varies between only hours after the last reset to 1-2 days, but each time the Airport stops passing all traffic. I have the status light set to show traffic, and sometimes it's just a solid green and others it's actually off (no light). In either case the Airport stops passing traffic and I am not able to see it with the Airport utility. If I unplug it and plug it back in it works again. Any one else have this problem?

PowerMac G5, Mac OS X (10.5)

Posted on Nov 6, 2007 6:57 AM

578 replies

Feb 11, 2008 12:46 AM in response to GalinMD

What I find most annoying is the fact that in my case:

1. WDS networks have constant issues and dropouts.

2. A standard AP network with other base stations joining a main one always gives me this kind of error:

"*AirPort Utility was unable to find your base station after restarting.*

The settings for this base station have been successfully updated, but there was a problem re-joining the wireless network or finding the base station. You may need to select your network from the AirPort menu and try again. "

3. Using only ONE base station for surfing, AirTunes and printing seems to be the only way to make it work.

I have 2 AirPort Express base stations and 1 Airport Extreme I had bought to create The Ultimate Wi-fi Network. Now I'm only using 1 Express. They're in a drawer getting old and obsolete while Apple is announcing new products like Time Capsule.

I'm probably going to always use Apple's computers. I think I'm really going to think twice before I buy some other kind of Apple hw in the future.

Feb 11, 2008 3:55 AM in response to GalinMD

Interesting addendum:

After setting my APEXn router to a single channel, my connection problems and required resets went away. Last week after a prolonged power outage in my area, problems started to show up again. Knowing that many of the WiFi routers in my area (5 with signals strong enough to connect) are probably set to auto and the power outage caused them to search for a channel, this new problem adds credence to (my issue at lease) being an interference problem. FYI. I changed the channel (again) and everything seems to be working great (again). I'm not saying that this will work for everyone, but if you have several visible wifi networks in your area, please try changing the settings from Auto-Channel to a specific channel (may need to try a few) and hopefully this will help.

That said, APPLE PLEASE UPDATE THE FIRMWARE! Ease of use is one of the key selling points for Apple hardware, and with so many people having to troubleshoot there APEXn wireless network, you are losing your credibility in this key area.

I would love to buy a Time Capsule and I am in the position to recommend such purchases to many of my consulting clients, but I WILL NOT buy or recommend another Apple Wireless Router until the issues with this one have been resolved. The older dome APEX routers I've used worked flawlessly. I except the same from your newer hardware, and until I am convinced the current issues are resolved, I can not, in good conscience, recommend a flawed product.

Feb 11, 2008 4:49 AM in response to James Barrett3

I got so frustrated after fiddling with this, again.... I quit at around 3 am... I unplugged the power to the AEBS, and went to bed.

I woke early, and plugged the AEBS back in... Oh my gosh, it still has the green light, but I can't find the rest of the computers on my network.

I'm about ready to shelve this AEBS and go back to the Netgear router that I used when I had only my PCs.

Feb 11, 2008 7:07 AM in response to GalinMD


In my case I am now stable! Here's what I did.

- Downgraded to 7.2 firmware
- Set IPv6 to Link-Local AND turned off IPv6 on all Macs on my network
- Uninstalled Azerus (probably spelled wrong)...and installed Transmission

For me, that has resulted in a stable network (finally!!). Now just for clarification. I have the AirPort Extreme 802.11n and AirPort Express. I also have 2 linksys gigabit switches on my network (one at the core coming off the router that feeds ports in each room in my house, and one in my office to feed all those devices to go back to the core). In most circumstances this problem would come about in the middle of the night as my PowerMac G5 was downloading torrents (it is wired with gigabit back to the AirPort Extreme, and NO other wireless clients were on, except maybe my Nintendo Wii in standby mode). Let's just say there have been certain events in the world since the time I started this thread in November til now that have limited how many torrents my automated program has been downloading...anyways, since it appears that those events have changed, my computer will begin to be downloading torrents again more regularly in the near future, that will be the true test.

I have even begun to be more darning with my AirPort Extreme and have tried to use AirDisk. (crazy I know....try to use an advertised feature of the product...) I bought a 1 TB drive on sale at Costco last week and hooked it up to do backups on my network (not through Time Machine, I'm not that crazy...with SuperDuper). It appears to be working. Just not every computer on my network can reliably connect to the drive. sigh I should have known not to try to cross that bridge just yet. Maybe they will come out with a firmware update when the Time Capsule ships, since they somehow made hard drives and routers work with that hardware...one can always hope I guess.

Any word on a good post for AirDisk problems? (probably get another router/NAS solution!)

Feb 13, 2008 8:45 AM in response to GalinMD

I'm having the same issues as above. I have a MacBook (802.11G) running 10.5.2 (as of today) and i have an older mac mini running 10.4.9 wired to the Airport Gig. It's all running the newest firmware and it consistantly locks up. it's not cold in my condo, it's not hot, it's nice and comfortable. the airport gets warm, but thats expected. the macmini is running azureus and it seems to freeze all the time when that runs.

however, sometime, the macbook is not even at my condo when it freezes.

i'm going to play w/ the az. settings and turn off the IP6 Stuff, etc

Feb 14, 2008 3:32 AM in response to GalinMD

Update. For the first time in 10 months since buying AEBSN it has not dropped its connection to my ISP for .....let's see....12 HOURS.

My latest attempt to use it came after my usually reliable older domed AEBS started to exhibit a similar symptom. Then the 10.5.2 update came. I installed it.....hooked up the AEBSN this time without any security. I've become suspicious about the relation of base stations, network, network security and my keychain. Of course it was stupid to make two changes at once. But I'm not into doing research with this thing....I just want it to work.

Anyway....I'm online and typing this and I'm amazed. Hope it continues.

Feb 14, 2008 10:30 AM in response to macsucker

This long-standing problem will cost Apple at least one new sale.

I'd been thinking of saving the money to buy an AppleTV. But it's not worth the risk if I can't count on my network.

I'll likely wait a couple more weeks for a solution. Then I'll probably just disconnect the AEBS, and reconnect the NetGear router that I used when I only had PCS.

That thing worked fine from the start. I only replaced it because I wanted to go Apple all the way.

Feb 14, 2008 10:32 AM in response to Allan Dibiase


I have had two AEBS "N" units, at home, since they came out some months ago and have never had a single issue with them. I have never had a time when I was dropped or could not connect, except when my ISP was having to service their systems. I've done the usual update and all that good stuff, as well. I have 5 Leopard Macs and three PeeCees along with wireless networked printing/scanning.

I have installed three of them (AEBS "N") in my doctors office running his network wirelessly, and some wired and if they were to have trouble, I'd darn sure hear about it, and they are not. At my granddaughters school they are using the same base stations (30 of them) to run things there and they are having few if any real issues.

They are all running at B/G as all it takes is one device that is not "N" to negate any "N" advantage. You have to be all "N" to take advantage of the speed differences. All of the equipment at the doctors office and at the school are not all "N" at this time. The settings were adjusted appropriately.

So, what I'm saying is, that not everyone is having issues, if fact the few dozens or so that appear here, are a miniscule number compared to the millions that are having satisfactory service. I think you will be Ok.

Good Luck - Cheers,

Airport Extreme (802.11n) - Connection drops (no auto-reset)

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