Unable to locate Printer
After disconnecting and reconnecting all the connections in all sorts of patterns my computer still is not able to locate the printer.
Console is showing errors like this:
DeviceAddedCallback(): iterator=1803, retain count=2
device 4a03 (IOUSBHIDDriver) found.
I restarted my computer and checked Console once more and the same error was present.
My HP Deskjet shows all signs of being on, it prints the sample page produced when holding in the paper button. (It does this without being connected to the computer)
The printer driver seems to be present. It's still in the list of printers.
But the printer "Utility" doesn't show any local printers when the printer's connected.
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer. 🙂
PowerBook G4, Mac OS X (10.3.x), HP Deskjet 832c