When I installed leopard it seemed like the machine slowed down. My macbook used to be like light speed now it takes almost a minute to open safari. My imac used to be this way but when I installed leopard on iMac it became like light speed. Its like they switched. How do I fix this? Can I delete some files or what? Is this happening to ne body else. I have 2GB ram in my mac book to.
I recently read that for Leopard to function properly it needs a lot of hard disk space - 15% of capacity plus 9 more gigs. Does your hard drive have a lot of space left? Also, have you added any 3rd party software that might slow things down? I've also heard the suggestion that you make a clean account when you first install and don't put any 3rd party apps there - then you can tell what is system and what is a software problem.
How did you install Leopard? Try logging into another User account. Is it any faster there?
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I've also experienced this problem and I have just installed Texshop on my macbook. Isn't there anything I can do to speed it up? Because after installing Leopard, the macbook just slowed down. But mine does not take a minute...to open Safari, just a bit more than it used to take with os X 10.4