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Reduce PDF file size : free Acrobat replacement for Leopard

*Well, at least this fits my need*, which to be able to email PDFs of my iWork or Office presentations with both :
*+ acceptable quality*
*+ acceptable file size*

It uses the poorly documented Quartz filtering ability for PDFs in Preview. There are a couple of articles I found here or elsewhere on the web, but they still don't make things simple.

You can manually edit those same settings (using Colorsync Utility) but can also benefit from my trial-and-error process and directly download from my iDisk.
After download and decompressions, *simply drag the downloaded "Filters" folder to your Library folder* (inside your user folder to install it just for this user, or at the root level of your hard disk in order to install it for all users) - And if you already have such a folder, simply copy the contents of the downloaded folder into it.

*Here are the filters :*
* http://idisk.mac.com/jcolas-Public*

Feel free to use, download, copy, use the idea ... in any way you like.

*Then, in order to create a compressed PDF with decent quality :*
+ Open your existing PDF in preview, or Print any document using "Open PDF in Preview" from the PDF pop-up menu in the Print dialog
+ Choose Save As in the File Menu (pretty easy I guess), then choose PDF as format, and one of the "Reduce to XXX dpi ..." Quartz filters, and click Save.

I included 8 settings which produce increasingly large files, with increasingly better quality.
I find the 150 dpi / average JPEG compression to be quite suitable for most purposes.

I have tried (before Leopard) PDF compression software like PDFshrink but was not satisifed with the results and interface.

These filters produce much better (better being in terms of consistency, file size and quality) than the filter Apple includes with Leopard (and maybe Tiger ?).
The Apple "Reduce file size filter" scales images by 50%, with target dimensions between 128 and 512 pixels, which can give very unusable results.

The filters I use 2 two things :
+ resample images to 75, 150, 300 or 600 dpi (I do not not if there is upsampling)
+ compress the images using Jpeg compression at average or low quality
Once installed, you can visualize, edit or copy them using Colorsync Utility (in the Applications/ Utilities folder)

As an example, using a 73 MB PDF from a 55 page Powerpoint presentation, the compressed files have the following sizes :
+ 75 dpi low quality : 2.7 MB
+ 75 dpi average quality : 3.2 MB
+ 150 dpi low quality : 4.2 MB
+ 150 dpi average quality : 5.3 MB
+ 300 dpi low quality : 7.6 MB
+ 300 dpi average quality : 10.2 MB
+ 600 dpi low quality : 16.0 MB
+ 600 dpi average quality : 20.3 MB

I don't think I'll be using Adobe Acrobat anytime soon.

"Thanks" a lot to Adobe for not being able to have a working version of Acrobat on Leopard until next January.
I hope many people (with needs similar to mine) will discover that they don't realy need it.

And I just wonder why Apple does not include these filters in Leopard.
Is this just in order to be nice with Adobe ?

Feedback or comments greatly appreciated.


MBP 17" 2.4Ghz/4GB, Mac OS X (10.5), and other Macs too

Posted on Dec 15, 2007 3:44 AM

226 replies

Nov 12, 2011 10:25 AM in response to hotwheels22

I see on my screen at 72 dpi are readable and certainly they seem readable enough to put ten of them together into a ten page pdf and to then mail to someone.

Yes, those should look fine on a screen, but when say Printing to a 720DPI printer, it'll only have one dot to try to make 10 horizontal by 10 vertical dots, with fancy programming it can compare other near pixels to figure out how to best fill in the missing ones, but it still boils down to making 100 dots out of one dot when printing.

Also, one way JPEG reduces file sizes is by cutting out colors, say you have 10 shades/levels of each Red, Blue, & Green, save 50% quality jpg will leave you with 5 shades/levels of each. (roughly speaking, it could depending on percentage of each shade cut out far more).

Nov 12, 2011 10:59 AM in response to Christina Rodriguez

Hi Christina.

Thanks again.

I have an old version of photoshop on my windows machine. I have Aperture and Adobe Elements 3 (from a disk that came with my leica digital).

I'm slowly making my way to CS4 (I think or CS5?) so that I can get InDesign for posters. My understanding is that this will come with Photoshop and Illustrator but that it won't come with Acrobat? I could use some kind of 3D functionality but I'm not sure if I have a use for Acrobat short or long term or not...I'm slowly moving to the InDesign, Photoshop Illustrator suite at least but it is 1200 bucks.

Anyway, I seem to be managing pretty well with the 150 dpi filter and just saving out as a new filename and checking but I am only doing any of these that are over 100 MB. Next I tackle 50 - 100 MB when I get the time but that trashing of the images still has me a bit worried. It would be good to know if this was due to the Filter or due to Preview and whether saving out from Preview is the thing that will corrupt the document (as opposed to the filter having done this). I haven't had time to check but it would be good to know. Trashing docs is a bad thing.

Cheers and thanks,


Nov 12, 2011 11:14 AM in response to Christina Rodriguez

Hi Christina.

I think you are asking for my image? Anyway, here is one that is 17.2 GB. I think it is actually (or could be) black and white or greyscale if I wanted but with your help I am realizing these images are huge for my needs. I just picked 300 dpi (now it's 200 dpi).


But again it seems like total madness to be printing these out (the 300 dpi ones) so that I have 500 MB sized documents that I then downsize to 500 KB by SIMPLY SELECTING selecting 150 dpi.

I mean, on its face it doesn't make any sense to me to have images scanned at 300 dpi - printed to pdf - and then filtering this pdf to 150 dpi reduces by this kind of multiple. Anyway...


Nov 12, 2011 11:22 AM in response to Christina Rodriguez

Hi Christina, BD.

Can you guys take a look at these two files?

I simply opened the first in Preview and saved out with the 150 dpi AVERAGE compression filter. Then I opened it immediately in Adobe Reader 9.4.5...

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15285654/aag08proceedings-papers_and_poster_abstracts.pd f

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15285654/aag08proceedings-papers_and_poster_abstracts%20 150%20dpi%20test.pdf

- Jon

Nov 12, 2011 1:30 PM in response to hotwheels22

On that scanned Tiff, it's 300*300 dpi, LZW compression so about have the size of the full uncompressed one.

It's also 16.7Million colors (32 bit), which I think is wasting a lot of space for what appears to be a Greyscale image, & 300 dpi appears to be higher rez than the source of the scan.

I converted it to 8 bit Grayscale & file length went from 16.4MB to 7.4MB as an LZW TIFF. Scaling it to 67% dropped it to 3.2MB without too much loss of detail.

Nov 13, 2011 11:23 AM in response to Christina Rodriguez

Hi Christina, BD.

Thanks. The word on the CMYK issue is that this is a bug in Preview and that it will trash your images (turn them green) for any file size reduction routine run in Preview (including these filters). Seems like a bad bug.

OK, on the other stuff. Thank you.

I need to get CS5 or CS4 here one of these days. What I really need is InDesign but I guess Photoshop and Illustrator come along with it? Does anyone know if I am correct in thinking that it does /not/ include Acrobat X? I mean, 1200 clams for CS whatever and then another 400 or something to add in Acrobat X?

Not sure if this is totally OT but does anyone know what Acrobat does for me these days (also can it deal with 3D models?!) and does anyone know if it does not come with CS5? Seems like a ton of cash to shell out but if there is a significant add to my workflow I'll get it. Anyone know if there are good tools to interface with Aperture?!

Thanks a ton for getting this straight for me.

- Jon

Nov 13, 2011 11:35 AM in response to BDAqua

hi BDAqua,

Thank you. I really need to set down and walk myself through all of this.

I can see your steps here and they are very helpful in thinking this through. I guess what happens over here is that I have a ton of scanning that I do and I just set the scanner and then don't think about it. Since I run color scans it is hard to drop to only black and white but I have dropped it to 200 dpi.

That said, 3.2 MB still seems to me to be a very large file when I have pdfs that include 20+ images such as this and these pdf's are under 1 MB and totally readable. No? I mean, the problem for me here is that I would need to go through all of my scans manually after scanning them since doing the settings on each scan one by one will take way too much time.

And even if I do this manually on each and every image that I want to put into a pdf, this is a ton of time and still my pdfs will be too large to email from what I can tell. The Default downsample reduction routine in Preview appears to downsample to a point of unreadability from the thread I have read. And now there is an additional bug of Preview trashing CMYK images in a pdf document any time you downsize.

I don't mean to list all the problems but the automated reduction routine for printing to pdf (I think you mentioned this on another thread) is very convenient. Is it possible that scanning to jpg and print-screening to jpg will allow me to print pdf's to a manageable size and/or have images that don't need manual downsizing?

Or is the solution to simply drop to 200 dpi with 8 bit color and convert to greyscale whenever possible?

Am I correct in thinking that these should also let me /print/ to pdf at 150 dpi AVERAGE compression, so that I don't have to downsample later? Or is there another utility that will let me do this? I think I read somewhere that this can be done in preview but it looked like it was five or six steps to do it...


- Jon

Nov 13, 2011 11:57 AM in response to hotwheels22

and these pdf's are under 1 MB and totally readable. No?

Readable on screen, or really nice looking when printed?

I mean, the problem for me here is that I would need to go through all of my scans manually after scanning them since doing the settings on each scan one by one will take way too much time.

Hmmm, not sure what scanner or SW you're using, but it's quick & easy here using VueScan...

User uploaded file

Or is the solution to simply drop to 200 dpi with 8 bit color and convert to greyscale whenever possible?

Yes, but with Vuescan it's simple to adjust any of that for each scan.

Nov 14, 2011 9:35 AM in response to BDAqua

Hi Kurt.

OK. I think I have enough info to get this moving. That pdf corruption for CMYK docs really had me concerned but I imagine I don't have a lot of these. That said, it will be good to know. I can see getting bit very hard by this. For instance, someone on an earlier post here said the filters helped them submit a grant application. It would be a real bummer if this was a CMYK doc and they only checked that the file was able to get out via email and not that it didn't get trashed...

I think what I meant on the conversion is that I now have my scan settings set to 200 dpi. I'm not sure if I can control the 32, 16 or 8 bit but I can check. Anyway, I may do 10 - 20 document scans at a time and if these are at too high a resolution then I have to convert all of them manually down to something else and then I have to print to pdf. Big pain. It would be much easier to ask the pdf printer to dumb them down so that I can retain the original images at their original sizes and/or not have to convert, print to pdf, delete the conversions etc, etc.

Anyway, I DO have to drop a ton of my images down from 10 MB TIFF as this seems way too large for my needs for this. Am I correct in thinking that Vuescan won't do this in bulk?? If so, is there a utility that I can use that would let me downsize all my scans that are too large for my needs? Say in conjunction with finding them in Finder or with Whatsize? It seems like a terrible waste of space to have so many 10 MB scans when they will never be printed and all I need is a representation at 8 1/2 x 11 that can be read in print or on the screen...


Reduce PDF file size : free Acrobat replacement for Leopard

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