Spotlight: How to Index an AFP Share Point
1. Log in to a client computer as a local administrator.
2. Mount share via Connect to Server by a user who has read & write access to the share point.
3. Open Terminal and issue sudo -s then the following commands as root:
a. Create the index for the share point: mdutil -i on /Volumes/share
b. Publish that index so that it resides on the share point: mdutil -p /Volumes/share
4. Unmount share. Then ssh into your server as root and switch to the path for share. Use chmod and chown to set the permissions of the .Spotlight-V100 folder accordingly:
chown -R root:admin /<path to>/share/.Spotlight-V100
chmod -R 755 /<path to>/share/.Spotlight-V100
5. Now remount the share and test a Spotlight search.
Note that this procedure does not work for static network automounts (to /private/var/automount/Network, the Network globe in the Finder) with Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.4.1.
--Gerrit DeWitt
Apple Certified System Administrator