iPhone stuck in "headphones" mode
Windows XP Pro
Windows XP Pro
i tried everything i could think of i sucked on the headphone jack look to see for debris or anything suck and nothing i turned it on and off several times and still nothing so i was desperate i grabbed my blow dryer i set it on high and bam it worked i could hear everything hope this helps you an saves you money
Sucking worked! Good discovery.
Thankyou! This worked for my hubby's phone too! He doesn't ever use headphones, and all of a sudden couldn't hear incoming calls unless using the speaker. The volume indicator was saying "headphones" when you turned the volume up and down when it used to always say "volume". Who knew it was Airplane Mode - we were going insane trying to figure it out....
This is the only trick that worked for me too! I tried everything else and so I tried the Timer and it worked like a charm.
I tried every. Single. Thing and none of it was working and I was just about to give up. So I dropped my i(pod) in the bathtub and quickly rushed it into rice for liek 4 hours. I made sure it was turned off during that time. It was fine, but then it acted like the headphone were connected. I tried the sucking thing, didn't work. I tried the rebooting didn't work I tried the timer didn't work I tried the unplugging and plugging in didn't work. Tried the cotton didn't work. The thing that FINALLY worked was blowing INTO the charger hole. You may have to do this a bunch, but it worked for me.
That was very risky but at least you got it working again
I have the same problem with water getting in there but sucking it didnt work should I try putting it in a bag of rice
Please can you tell me what you have tried and how did the water get into the headphone jack.
Thank You
I wouldn't suggest doing that until you have tried other steps. Many friends have tried the rice trick but it has just fried their phone instead of drying it. Good luck.
So I was desperate, I stuck stuff up my iPhone, I blew I sucked, I plugged earplugs in and out and my iPhone refused to quit the headphone mode. I quit, and planned on using my Iphone with headphones only.
I plugged the earphones AMD charged it for the night. In the morning, I hoped it was a dream and checked. It was still headphones mode. BUT WHEN I UNPLUGGED THE EARPHONES IT WAS AS OF NOTHING HAPPENED! It was a miracle
I have been spending hours and hours trying all of these solutions (blowing cold hair, using a flash light and q-tip ext.) and non of them worked. What most likely happened is that a rain drop (or any water) got into your phone and it's knoe set to headphone mode. I put my phone in rice for about an hour and as soon as I took it out... it worked. Just make sure that after you take it out of the dry rice you shake out any pieces of rice that got into your charger hole or headphone hole.
This really worked ! I did it carefully and rotated it and it did dry it out. Thanks for this !
As if this worked after 20 minutes of faffing, I'm acc crying.
I tried this and still nothing works after I put it in rice and put headphones in and out
hahaha i tried to suck also the jack of my iphone and it workrd!!! thank you so much
That actually worked.. Thank You! :D
iPhone stuck in "headphones" mode